Loading cards to a certain place AT START of game

Started by VictorSteiner, September 07, 2014, 05:39:54 AM

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Hi again, I found the option to load cards into stockpile / hand etc. Does this only work if you start a game, and after the start go back to deck creator and load stuff that you need? Or is it possible to add a card to your deck and at adding it select if it will START in your hand / shared area / etc. I coulndn't find out how this is meant to be used.


The 'Load to your:' Deck/Hand/Discard/etc button simply clears the zone picked and then loads all the cards that make up your deck in the deck editor to that zone.  It's much the same as the 'Load entire deck to you' which clears all your zones and loads the deck in the deck editor to the main zone as described in the Plugin file.

There are Chess and Stratego plugins that load "cards" to the table in specific positions at the start of a new game, you might want to look inside them and see how they work!  ;)
