Star Strife - Science Fiction TCG/CCG Plugin [Ready for test]

Started by Reefa, July 17, 2013, 12:47:43 AM

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I've done a nice Plugin for a Science-Fiction Trading Card Game / Collectible Card Game. Overall the game has 365 cards and is based on Nanofights, but with a few improvements or changes here and there as well as another (fifth) faction. Perhaps you'd like to Beta-Test and let me know cards or balance issues? Plugin will come with an instruction. This instruction surely has to be expanded on some occasions or issues that may happen, since it's an early stage of the game.




Next image and a downloadable package will take a bit longer, since I have started a revamp. That should create a much more different feeling compared to other card games and probably a deeper strategic calculation.



So, I did a few changes on the games concept as well as the playstyle. I attach an early version of the StarStrife-Plugin I made so far. It will feature one Faction (The Dark) as well as different other cards. There is also a Starter Deck included that you should load for the first rounds before taking a view over all the cards. As a special note regarding the used images: So far, I use images from Google for most of the first cards tested. Since I don't have any Copyrights on them, I can't distribute them openly. Though they all are placeholders, as long as I don't have my own images there, you sadly have to play with mostly blank cards, since I needed to blacken them. (Other Colors / Factions don't have that much blackened cards like The Dark, but I started with them ...).

You can download the Plugin from here:

Feel free to ask any questions and perhaps you'll even download even play it and maybe also give me some feedback / suggestions / whatever. For the playing ... here comes the "Manual":


1. You have a Main Deck, that consists of 60 or more cards. You have World Deck with exact 5 cards and you may use a sideboard of 10 Cards. The Plugin will also provide you with an image you may use for the board [Milky Way Background (just whitened due to Copyright)],
2. the board is divided in 5 different Rows, that are vertiacal lines reaching from one World card to another World card,
3. at the start of the game you place your Main World and your Colony Worlds from the World Deck face down by your choice each in one of such rows at your side of the board,
4. you reveal your Main World, then shuffle your Library, then draw 7 cards and decide the player to go first,
5. all cards can be played by using either "Techlevel" and / or "Effort",
6. "Techlevel" is displayed by the colorful bars in the upper left side of the cards. If you for example have "Dark Main World", then your Base-Techlevel is Black with which you may play Black T1 cards. If you add a Dark Colony World, you gain another Black Techlevel. In order to play T2 cards, you only need to Upgrade your Factories (see Upgrading System for that). This goes up to T4. White bars in the Techlevel mean, that you can use Black or Red or other worlds and thus don't need a specific World,
7. "Effort" is displayed at the upper right side by the purple Effort-Symbols. You have to spend enough Effort to play the card. You always have a specific number of Effort you can use each turn. For example, your Main World gives 5 Effort each turn that refresh the next turn. Your Colony Worlds add some Effort to that value. You normally can't have more Effort, since it doesn't stacks or is cumulative.

Playing Cards:

8. Cards are divided into different types: Worlds, Factories, Buildings, Action Cards and Units,
9. in a game you should start by playing a Factory. You can only play one Factory each round. That Factory is attached to a world you control - be warned, if you place a Factory at a Colony World and you lose that Colony World, you also lose that Factory!,
10. a Factory lets you play 1 Unit card of the given type each turn that you have to place at the World your Factory is attached. For example, if you have 3 Air- and Space Factories, you can play up to 3 Air- or Spacecraft Units at that World. Factories can produce "Infantry and Support", "Tank and Artillery" or "Aircraft and Spacecraft",
11. Factories are "Basecards", you can have as much of them as you want in your deck,
12. Buildings are placed right before your Worlds. You can place a Building at any World you want and as much as you want per World. Like Factories, Buildings may be lost if you lose a the World your Building is placed,
13. Buildings and Units suffer from "Depletion" the turn they come into play. "Depletion" is the purple symbol which resembles a breaking Heart. Depletion mean a card is rotated by 90 degrees. It "Regenerates" either due to effects by Action Cards or at the beginning of your turn and is rotated back,
14. Units also suffer from "Depletion" if they switch a Row,
15. Towers are special Buildings that are played like Buildings (with Effort), but placed in the rows like Units,
15. Action Cards are either Hacks, Researches or Improvements. Hacks can be played at any time, Researches and Improvements only in your turn,

Positioning, Attacking and Defending:

16. Units are placed before Buildings (thus before worlds) in the Rows,
17. A Row can only have 3 Units and you can only have 1 Row at each World,
18. Infantry Units can only attack from the 1st position of a Row and should have the most Defence Points but less Attack Points. They also can't attack Air- or Spacecrafts. But you may "Retreat" a Unit. For example, to secure the life of an Infantry Unit, you may "Retreat" that Unit from the 1st to the 3rd position (always before Towers),
19. Tank and Artillery Units can only attack from the 1st and 2nd position. They have less Defence, but more Attack and may attack Aircraft,
20. Towers, Support, Aircraft and Spacecraft may attack from every position in a Row,
21. Towers are always placed at the last position,
22. Aircraft always have Airflight and can only be attacked by Tanks, Artillery, Towers or flying Units,
23. Spacecraft always have Spaceflight and can only be attacked by Towers and other Spacecraft Units,
24. flying Units normally have less attack and defence,
25. Towers and Buildings can't move,
26. Every Unit attacks automatically each round and does the Attack Points as Damage Points to the Unit that is nearest from the enemy Row,
27. the attacking goes 1st Infantry, 2nd Tank, 3rd Artillery, 4th Aircraft, 5th Spacecraft, 6th Towers. Towers can't attack other Towers, Buildings or Worlds
28. if an enemy Row has no Units and Towers, you may either use Damage Points from a Unit to do damage on Buildings or you may do Structure Damage to a World,
29. Main Worlds have 30 Structure Points while Colony Worlds have 20 Structure Points.
30. Damage done is counted with Red Marks. A Unit with the same number of Red Marks is "Destroyed" and put into Graveyard or may be healed by effects before.
31. Life Points are counted by Green Marks, those count for Tokens.

Upgrading System:

32. Units and Towers feature multiple Attack- and Defence-Values. You may "Upgrade" your Factories, Units and Towers to gain access to the greater values,
33. Upgrading a Factory allows you to play Units of a higher Techlevel,
34. Upgrades are shown by Blue Marks,
35. Upgrades doesn't cost anything. They only need the Techlevel and Deplete the target card,
36. Upgrades behave like playing a card. That mean you can either play one Factory or you can Upgrade an existing Factory or you can either play a Unit or Upgrade as much Units as you have Factories, Towers are upgraded by using their Effort-Cost,
37. Upgrades don't heal Units and Towers to full life, they only have more base life and add those additional base life points to their current life,

Abilities in order of Alphabet (not all are used by the current Dark Cards, I just list all the effects for an overview):

38. Airstrike can attack Air- or Spacecraft,
39. Anti-Air deals additional damage to Air- and Spacecraft, it may also attack those targets directly (not Towers). That means, if a non-flying Infantry Unit stands before two Spacecrafts, a Unit with Anti-Air may attack the first Spacecraft instead of the Infantry Unit,
40. Anti-Ground same as Anti-Air but for non-flying Units (not Towers),
41. Armor reduces incoming damage,
42. Artillery doesn't need to attack the first target but instead can choose the Unit (not Tower) it wants to place their damage,
43. Berserk gives more attack with each attack,
44. Cover gives an Armor Bonus if the Unit is behind an Infantery,
45. Deplete means to turn a card clockwise by 90 degrees. That card can't attack or use abilities,
46. Destroy means a card is put into Graveyard, but may be healed before,
47. Destruction means that you can place the same number on multiple targets. For example with Destruction 2, an Unit deals its damage to the first and second enemy Unit,
48. Kill means a card is put into Graveyard with no heal possible,
49. Maintenance means you have to use the Effort-Cost mentioned or kill the card at the beginning of your turn,
50. Mayhem may teleport an enemy Unit (not Tower) to another Row by attacking and using the Mayhem-Effort,
51. Piercing reduces the Armor reduce,
52. Plug'n Play means it can attack the turn the Unit comes into play and it also doesn't suffer from Depletion by switching Rows,
53. Recycling lets you shuffle the card into your Library if it would be put into Graveyard,
54. Regenerate means to turn a card counter-clockwise by 90?, that card an attack and use abilities,
55. Repair heals damage,
56. Siege deals additional damage to Buildings, Towers and Structures (Worlds),
57. Spawn lets you draw a card by playing,
58. Steal lets you draw a card by dealing damage to Buildings, Towers or Structures,
59. Stunning means that a Unit (not Tower) that has been attacked by a Unit with "Stunning" can't attack the next turn,
60. Swarming Rockets deals damage to all enemy Units in the same Row with each attack,
61. Teamwork gives more attack for all Units with Teamwork in the same Row if there are at least 2 Teamwork-Units in play,



Does the download link in my previous post not work?



I can't select the plugin from my installed list. Plugins that come from RARs seem to do this quite often. The plugin is there in the list, but there's no option to select it. Same w/ RSO and Vanguard plugins as well.


Is there a solution for that? Had no problems trying this with friends.
