How do I update the sets included in my standard card pool? (MTG)

Started by pickleishopeless, February 13, 2012, 01:25:16 PM

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I looked at a few files, and there was one that designated standard, but the sets that it included were not the sets that my lackey is currently using.  I would assume there was another file like this somewhere, but I do not know where to begin.  I simply would like to make dka standard legal for ease of deckbuilding.


you can modify the "format.txt" file in the folder "LackeyCCG/Plugins/Magic/" if you modify it though, you'll need to change it back afterward or your plugin will not match other plugin on the server, sometimes the magic plugin guy makes mistakes, like when 2012 was left out of the standard filter for like 3 months

add "<set>dka</set>" between the "<format><label>Standard</label> (add here) </format>"


Quote from: MegaMan on February 13, 2012, 02:14:59 PM
if you modify it though, you'll need to change it back afterward or your plugin will not match other plugin on the server
Actually, the format.txt file is only used locally; modifying it has no adverse effects to playing online. It does not need to be modified back, since all it modifies is deck creation.

Of course, it will still replace itself the next time you update the plugin.