[SOLVED] - How can i change the size of cards in my hand?

Started by Jynks, October 03, 2011, 09:19:55 PM

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Hi there... I am new to lackey and have some questions...

This is how Lackey looks on my 1080p monitor when I have the LoTR card game installed. (the one I plan to play). I increased the size of the cards width to make the left hand preview bigger... but now for some reason it dose not scale properly in the "hand" area.. no matter how big i make it the cards scale wit the window and I can nvr see the tops of them.

How is this area of LackeyCCG set? So I can adjust it?

Or is there a better way to get the images in the left side of teh screen to be bigger, I tried resizing the window but if you get bigger than the image it is just black space.

Thanks in advance


Turn off "Lock window resizing bars?" in Preferences>Appearance.


awesome, thanks.

Youwouldn't happen to know if there is a hotkey for discarding cards to encounter yard and player yard?


I don't even know what a "yard" is in that context.


Based on the picture, it looks like you have messed up card images. Try deleting your setimages/ folder and then run autoupdate.