Ok - i'm just fascinated with the possibilities that Lackey has.
I found numerous places on the net that stated the plugins for following games existed:
Warhammer 40.000: Dark Millennium
any idea where i could find those? :)
EDIT: Oh, and one more thing - can i find somewhere a working Netrunner plugin? When i download the one form the default location for some reason ican't switch to it - the "choose" button is grayed out.
hi sheepdog,
concerning your question about the Netrunner plugin, check out my posting:
btw I am lurking on the server right now
Thanks man - you're golden! :)
The Battletech one is findable from the drop down menu in Lackey.
Quote from: Tokimo on December 10, 2009, 04:09:37 PM
The Battletech one is findable from the drop down menu in Lackey.
Is it? I can't find it in the drop down menu on both the plugin files. Am i missing something?
Remember that the list is not in any order. On further investigation it looks like it's been removed. I have the entire plugin downloaded though, I can upload my copy. Send me a PM to remind me.
Another Battletech CCG fan who eagerly awaits getting the plugin here. :)
I found the Battletech plugin and i'll post it sometime later.
As for the dark millennium i think i'll write the plugin myself - i'm kinda scared of putting all the card text into the database but what has to be done has to be done. :'(
Quote from: Sheepdog on December 14, 2009, 03:20:13 PM
I found the Battletech plugin and i'll post it sometime later.
As for the dark millennium i think i'll write the plugin myself - i'm kinda scared of putting all the card text into the database but what has to be done has to be done. :'(
If the card images are high enough quality just do what I am doing, make a basic plugin without the text, release it and then update it later on with the text :D
Quote from: JacerX on December 14, 2009, 03:23:32 PM
If the card images are high enough quality just do what I am doing, make a basic plugin without the text, release it and then update it later on with the text :D
I like that idea - expect the plugin Soon (tm) then ;D
You still need to give each card a unique name, but yeah, you can skip on the rules block and the plugin will still be usable, just less nice.
I'll just start by putting all the categories and card names so the cardlists would be searchable and i'll put out one set at a time, once i'm done with all the sets i'll start putting the cardtext in.
BTW. Where can i find some info on how to implement autoupdate? I want to add it to Warhammer Invasion plugin as well as Dark Millennium in the future.
By autoupdate do you mean being able to update the plugin via a url in Lackey? If yes, you have to create an updatelist.txt for the plugin in particular. You also need a host to serve the images and files related to the plugin.
Here's some random plugins I have uploaded at rapidshare. Feel free to make seperate threads with them and/or update them and make them your own.
Quote from: Alastair on December 14, 2009, 04:54:29 PM
By autoupdate do you mean being able to update the plugin via a url in Lackey? If yes, you have to create an updatelist.txt for the plugin in particular. You also need a host to serve the images and files related to the plugin.
Exactly that. I need some info on how autoupdate lists work and how to make one.
There is also a yahoo group completely dedicated to battletech including a download for the plugin withing the group. Might help with coordination if you are really into it as well. Ive played with a couple of the guys from it.
Is anyone interested in a plugin for Decipher's Fight Klub game? I can make it myself if anyone would like it.
I already have a plugin in my lackey directory named fightclub but have never tried it or seen where its been updated.
Would you mind hosting a zip of it somewhere for me? If it's the right game, I can get it up to date. Thank you!
I know someone told me before but I don't have a record of what sites are good to post to?
Mediafire is best, imo.
seconded. I've never had any complaints about mediafire. I don't mind using rapidshare or megaupload that much, or depositfiles for that matter.
ok, i've uploaded the plugin here let me know if you can retrieve it. about 26 mg.
I'm looking for a functioning Digimon TCG, the one on the pluggin list i use doesn't work properly, i just tried it...
Confirmed! That plugin is for the decipher game Fight Klub. I'll see what I can do to get it updated unless someone knows who owns it.
Chriscone, when I download the plugin, it tells me that "1_073_U_VileMachete.jpg" in Set One is corrupt. Can you double check?
That image is missing from the plugin. I'll add it as part of my update. Again, if anyone knows who this plugin was created by, please let me know. I don't want to tread on someone else's work.
GnKoichi i found this the other day on the FightKlub website:
i think this was where the plugin originated (and concidentally, what made me revisit Lackey!). By the sound of things Axlotl doesnt mind people modifying his work. You could always contact him directly through the website to check though, but you'll need to register first...
Im about to check the plugin now. i reckon if it contains cards from Three then Axlotl is definitely the author of the plugin, judging from the remarks in his post.
<EDIT> It seems the plugin only hass the cards from sets One and Two, so i guess Axlotl isnt the author after all. Might be worth giving hi a shout anyway to avoid duplication of effort...
Apparently the original creators of that plugin were asked politely to stop by Decipher. I have no issue continuing work on the plugin, as I firmly believe a program like Lackey leads to increased sales of CCGs, not reduced sales. That being said, if anyone has links to the images for 3, I will gladly add them. My usual sources don't have them yet.
I did already add the missing image and removed many redundant files that simply took up space, so if people would like a repost of the current plugin, I can do.
I know exactly who created the FK plugin :)
The FK plugin saga was rather frustrating. Initially the card images and data were provided by a Lackey forum memeber who wanted to remain nameless (at least in Decipher's eyes) and the conversion into a working plugin was done by myself.
Later on, I was approached by someone from the FK forums who was interested in working on his own version of the plugin and needed my help. I informed him that the plugin was already done, but not released, and together we debugged the plugin (as he was familiar with the rules and gameplay). Once we were both happy with it I released it on my website. He announced it on the FK forums and said it was all his own work. He then had the cheek to come here and do the same and, when challenged, called me some rather unpleasant names!
In the end he was shotdown by Decipher, shame, but they never contacted me (even though I am also registered on the Dechiped FK forums) with a "Cease and Desist" notice. The plugin was available in my site until I decided to close the site down following another disagreement about who had the right to host my plugins - I stupidly thought it was me, but there you go :/
Quote from: Cyrus on December 14, 2009, 04:59:05 PMHere's some random plugins I have uploaded at rapidshare. Feel free to make seperate threads with them and/or update them and make them your own.
My firewall blocks rapidshare.com, anyone have a 7thsea.rar or 7th Sea CCG plugin they can share?
Those links have been dead a long time.
Yeah, RapidShare shut down in 2015.
(Apparently it, or someone else using the name, is up and operating now, but using a .io URL instead of .com.)