Inspired by ransomman's Marvel Champions ( topic, I've decided to make one master thread for Magic updates, instead of starting a new topic every time I add something. I'll post new updates as replies here, as well as edit this first post with the current release.
Magic plugin update URL: (
Instructions for installing LackeyCCG and plugins: (
Gallery of all custom tokens available in the plugin: (
For questions, bugs, or requests, feel free to either reply here or start a new topic, whichever suits your fancy.
Latest Update:
2/6/25New sets- Foundations Jumpstart (
The most visible change is the addition of the tokens from Theros Beyond Death, but there are a number of other changes:
- Scripts now say "create" instead of "spawn". Only took me three years to notice I could include Wizards' new templating!
- Some cards, like Increasing Devotion, can create two distinct numbers of tokens. ("Create five 1/1 white Human creature tokens. If this spell was cast from a graveyard, create ten of those tokens instead.") These cards were only getting a script for the first number; they should now have both.
- Jace, Cunning Castaway didn't have a clone token, or a script to create it! Fixed, though the image is a subpar placeholder that I'll improve later.
- Mana costs for cards are now written with their brackets, i.e. {5}{G}{G} instead of 5GG. This makes Phyrexian and hybrid costs legible.
- Loyalty is now a data column for cards. Doesn't really make any sense for it not to be.
you should make a dedicated mtg lacky plugin site. post all updates there.
It's on my to-do list, in the "eventually" section. XD
The new holiday card, Decorated Knight, doesn't seem to have an image.
Also, I'm just curious if you are going to add the weird 'playtest' cards. If you don't think they are worth the effort for something very few people will bother with, I def understand, but I was just wondering.
Good catch! The image is uploaded now.
Since the playtest cards aren't intended for constructed use outside of drafting the Mystery Boosters, I figured I wouldn't worry about them until enough information is available to accurately simulate the booster pack.
Unsanctioned has been added. We finally have an official Giant Teddy Bear token, woohoo!
I did an overhaul of the templating system I use for my custom tokens—that is, all tokens that cards can create, but that have never been printed. There are a lot of small improvements, but the most visible is that self-copiers are now fully rendered from templates, rather than merely an overlay over existing cards. This makes them much more visually consistent. Check these out!
( ( ( (
With one exception: Jace, Cunning Castaway is literally the only token planeswalker ever, so I did a custom Photoshop job for that:
I also selected some more appropriate art for a few tokens, including this little gem. Did you know they got Stephen Tappin to illustrate a Pincher token to go with his art for Summoning Station, but it was only ever used on MTGO? Now you're free to use it in Lackey.
( (
To see all 110 custom tokens, complete with which cards create them (mouse over for a hover image, or click to view on Scryfall), check out the gallery page (
And lastly, we're now up to date with the latest Oracle text updates.
Some cards in Theros Beyond Death had incorrect image file numbers and weren't displaying properly. They should work correctly now.
Theros Beyond Death now has its full-art basic lands instead of the regular ones.
I found several more MTGO pieces of artwork for tokens, and this excellent custom Pest artwork ( by Dominik Mayer.
( ( ( (
Also, the Beleren font on real Magic cards uses special glyphs for lowercase "f", "h", "m", and "n" when they end a word, but the version of Beleren available online doesn't do this. I did some custom hacking to fix it.
(Gallery of all custom Lackey tokens (
Theros Beyond Death is now high-res.
Oops! Somehow I forgot to add THB to Standard. Fixed now.
- Added ETB counters for:
- Modular
- Graft
- Vanishing
- Fading
- Sagas
- Added right-clickable scripts to add counters for:
- Renown
- Bloodthirst
- Tribue
- Fabricate
- Added script to Jace, Cunning Castaway to correctly create Illusion token
Unsanctioned is now high-res!
Hi, I recently had to remove lackey (and plugins) and ran into an issue because one of the files in the magic plugin is named "con". It was in the set images folder, I think it was either inside or next to the "cfx" folder. Could you please rename this file, as the Windows operating system refuses to delete files named "con" by normal means (I had to use the command prompt). Thank you!
He's right. I just double checked for myself. Windows 10 does not like dealing with folders or files named con.
Sorry about that. This bug was brought to my attention some time ago, and the Magic plugin no longer creates that folder. However, I unfortunately have no ability to make Lackey delete or rename the folder if it's already there from an older version.
If anyone else is having this issue, here's how to remove it: (
Okay, thanks for fixing it! I was able to remove it (with some effort hehe).
Partial spoilers of Ikoria and Commander 2020 are uploaded, along with a custom implementation of keyword mechanic counters as "tokens". Any card that can place mechanic counters should have right-click scripts to create these tokens for all applicable counters. I recommend placing them next to or under the intended creature, much as you would with an aura.
Baron Von Count also now enters with the doom counter on 5, and scripts to reveal/look at the top of your library have been added to many cards for your convenience, including those that exile cards off the top. Note that some cards fiddle with other players' libraries; whoever clicks the script is the one whose library will be affected.
Ikoria and Commander 2020 are fully uploaded.
Going forward, I plan to designate showcase and other promo sets as a digit before the default set code. Ikoria's showcase cards are under 1iko, and the Toho Godzilla cards are 2iko. This way it'll be consistent, and the normal cards should always have the alphabetically last set code, which means they'll be the ones Lackey supplies by default when you paste in decklists.
Other, smaller tweaks:
- Unbeknownst to me, basic lands in Zendikar, Battle for Zendikar, Amonkhet, and Hour of Devastation had switched to the non-full-art versions due to a change in how Scryfall serves data. I've reverted them to their prettier cousins.
- The Myriad cycle of cards from Commander 2015 (including Blade of Selves) now have scripts to generate copy tokens.
- Vehicles with flying have the hover script.
- Bestial Menace's script is fixed and now spawns all three creatures.
A few small improvements.
- Ikoria and C20 cards that make mechanic counters now do so automatically (when dragged to table), where appropriate.
- Forbidden Friendship makes its dinosaur and human soldier tokens automatically as well.
- Updated the formatting of Adventure mana costs to use {}, in line with other mana costs.
- Updated the plugin's default canned chat messages. (You'll only see this if you go to "Preferences->Chats & Macros" and select "Reset to default magic canned messages." Otherwise Lackey just keeps what you already had.)
I added the /playerchoose command, to randomly select a player, and /copyzonetodeckeditor, which is helpful for deckbuilding.
Uploading the latest errata'd card text. Also includes some typo fixes for Ikoria.
- Added scripts for coin-flipping and dice-rolling to relevant cards. Includes a d10 for deciding which counter to put on Crystalline Giant
- Changed the reminder text on Ikoria's keyword counters to align with those of the keywords they grant.
- There was an extraneous space in defaultchat.txt, keeping /copyzonetodeckeditor from functioning. It should be fixed now (in the defaults, not in your existing settings unless you reset them).
- Core Set 2021 is added.
- Commander 2020 and Ikoria are now high-res.
- Lurrus of the Dream-Den was incorrectly named Lurrus of the Dream Den; this has been fixed. If you had it saved in any decks, you'll need to re-add it.
- Kind of a weird change: the ordering of some of the artifacts in Sixth Edition changed, which changes their image file names. If you load any Sixth Edition artifacts and they display the wrong image, just delete the folder [Lackey Folder]/plugins/magic/sets/setimages/6e. Lackey will then redownload images as needed and save them with the new names.
The creator of The Collation Project ( is a goddang hero. Thanks to their efforts, we now have a complete list of the contents of each slot ( in the
Mystery Booster. Both the retail edition (with the foils) and the convention edition (with the playtest cards) are now draftable in the plugin.
On a smaller note, two fixes to existing packs:
- Ikoria: I incorrectly put the taplands in as normal commons. Now they replace the (not simulated) basic land half the time. This means you'll get either 14 or 15 cards.
- Khans of Tarkir: I put the taplands in the basic land slot, like in Fate Reforged. This was incorrect. They now function as normal commons.
All the cards from Jumpstart are added. I don't think it's possible to make the packs themselves work correctly in Lackey.
For some reason my sounds stopped working (for land and creatures entering the battlefield, for instance) Any way I can help fix?
Is it possible your card sounds preference has gotten turned off? Sometimes Lackey mysteriously changes one's saved settings with no warning or explanation. See if Preferences -> Sound -> Enable Card Sounds (at the very bottom) is checked.
All sounds are on, but only certain sounds play :-(
Okay. Everything seems to be working when I test. The more specific you can be, the more likely I'll be able to track down what's happening.
- Which sounds are working? Are any cards making a sound when first placed on the table from your hand? (A second play, or playing it directly from your library, never makes a sound.)
- Do cards in the deck editor list anything in their "Sound" column? (Each card should list its type, like "creature" or "artifact", or for basic lands, its name.)
- Are any other sounds, beside card-play sounds, also not working?
- Is there a ListOfCardSoundFiles.txt in your main plugin folder, and a a creature.wav, artifact.wav, etc. in magic/sounds?
- If not (maybe something somehow got deleted?), have you tried clicking Update/Install to redownload them?
Lands(basic and nonbasic), creatures, sorceries, enchantments, and instants make no sound now. Searching through the library and pulling a card onto the battlefield still makes a sound.
All my sounds are on. I have closed and restarted lackey many times.
Quote from: dragostea on July 05, 2020, 02:38:39 PM
Lands(basic and nonbasic), creatures, sorceries, enchantments, and instants make no sound now. Searching through the library and pulling a card onto the battlefield still makes a sound.
I imagine you mean it makes the "generic" card-spawn sound when played from the library, but does not make specific (or any) sounds when played from the hand.
I'm going to assume that artifacts and planeswalkers also fail to make their sound, but let me know if this incorrect.
Could you please investigate my other questions? The help I can offer is only as good as the information I have.
Quote from: CrazyChucky on July 04, 2020, 11:11:31 AM
- Do cards in the deck editor list anything in their "Sound" column? (Each card should list its type, like "creature" or "artifact", or for basic lands, its name.)
- Are any other sounds, beside card-play sounds, also not working?
- Is there a ListOfCardSoundFiles.txt in your main plugin folder, and a a creature.wav, artifact.wav, etc. in magic/sounds?
- If not (maybe something somehow got deleted?), have you tried clicking Update/Install to redownload them?
Question 1) in Deck editor I see '@PT' for cards that are currently in the deck. In the bottom half of the screen for the same cards that are not in the deck, there is nothing in the sound column
Question 2) Not that I am aware
Question 3) There is such a file, I attached it to this post - there do appear to be sound files (which play) like 'island.wav' when clicked
Question 4) N/A since I answered yes to 3.
Thank you. That is extraordinarily perplexing. I don't know what '@PT' means, nor do I understand how the same card would have a different field value based on whether it's in the deck or not. This might warrant poking Trevor. Are you in the Facebook group? If not, I could post there so he'll see it.
Haven't posted in awhile, so I have quite a few things.
Thanks for adding all the silly Mystery Booster cards! And a bunch of reprint sets too!
Do you think you'll add the Chandra Spellbook with the awesome fire arts? What about the weird Secret Lair stuff?
I hadn't really noticed it, but I'm not getting some sounds either.
Time Spiral Empty the Warrens is a broken image.
I know you only like to add one land image per set. But could you maybe add more of the awesome Jumpstart ones? Especially the Dino Forest, the Treefolk Forest, the Goblin Mountain, and the Bird Plains? But really, they are all awesome.
Not a big deal, but if its easy to change, when I use your new cool 'Play Command' button, it doesn't do the script for the card the way playing from the hand or manually from the Command area does.
Is there any way to make the back side of the double faced cards show up on the normal search? We just found out about It That Rides As One, for instance, a way to give Odric trample. I know they are on the token page, but the search there doesn't look into the text, plus it would be nice to have the searchabilty all together while the image stays in tokens.
Hope you can do some Find and Replace All magic on their decision to finally make Mill a keyword...
Thanks again for all you do!
Always glad to hear folks are enjoying the plugin! I'll see if I can answer all of these:
Do you think you'll add the Chandra Spellbook with the awesome fire arts? What about the weird Secret Lair stuff?
I've given some thought to such printings. Unfortunately I have little control over which printings Lackey chooses by default, such as when you spawn a card by name, or paste a card list into the deck builder. (It always chooses whichever set code is last, alphabetically.) I feel like Lackey should supply "normal" printings by default, and it's jarring every time it pops up an Amonkhet Invocation when I don't expect it.
However?now that I'm including things like Ikoria Godzilla cards as 1iko, thus ensuring they won't get chosen by default, it occurs to me I could do the same thing for entire promo sets. It will bug me a little that the entire set's set code will be inaccurate (1ss3 for Chandra instead of ss3 for instance), but I feel like maybe that's worth it. They'd still be easily searchable with "contains".
I hadn't really noticed it, but I'm not getting some sounds either.
The mystery continues. Which ones are missing for you? Is it card-playing sounds? And if so, do you have the same weird "@PT"/blank Sound field like dragostea mentioned?
Time Spiral Empty the Warrens is a broken image.
Hmm. looks fine to me, so maybe your download was interrupted somehow. Delete it and try again?
I know you only like to add one land image per set. But could you maybe add more of the awesome Jumpstart ones? Especially the Dino Forest, the Treefolk Forest, the Goblin Mountain, and the Bird Plains? But really, they are all awesome.
It's not so much that I like doing that, it's that Lackey is limited in its ability to deal with the situation. Saved decks, for instance, are loaded purely by card name and set, ignoring any further distinguishing info. So you save a deck with the Book Island, and when you load that deck later, maybe you have the Mill Island. I've not done thorough enough testing to really be sure how it would affect drafted packs, either (which means I'm not 100% sure the double-common Wastes in OGW is generating perfectly). In the absence of feature improvement to Lackey, I'm not sure this is something I'm equipped to handle better in the plugin.
Not a big deal, but if its easy to change, when I use your new cool 'Play Command' button, it doesn't do the script for the card the way playing from the hand or manually from the Command area does.
Huh, I hadn't noticed that. I'm not sure if it can be fixed, but I'll try fiddling with it.
Is there any way to make the back side of the double faced cards show up on the normal search? We just found out about It That Rides As One, for instance, a way to give Odric trample. I know they are on the token page, but the search there doesn't look into the text, plus it would be nice to have the searchabilty all together while the image stays in tokens.
You know, that's a good point. I probably should add the back-side text to the main card's text, much like how I format Kamigawa flip cards and adventurers. Thank you for the suggestion.
Hope you can do some Find and Replace All magic on their decision to finally make Mill a keyword...
Oh my goodness, if I was finding and replacing through all these text files, I would lose my mind! Thankfully my automated scripts pull all card data from Scryfall, so yes, when next I update the plugin it will include all available errata.
Responding one by one as well.
I've given some thought to such printings. Unfortunately I have little control over which printings Lackey chooses by default, such as when you spawn a card by name, or paste a card list into the deck builder. (It always chooses whichever set code is last, alphabetically.) I feel like Lackey should supply "normal" printings by default, and it's jarring every time it pops up an Amonkhet Invocation when I don't expect it.
However?now that I'm including things like Ikoria Godzilla cards as 1iko, thus ensuring they won't get chosen by default, it occurs to me I could do the same thing for entire promo sets. It will bug me a little that the entire set's set code will be inaccurate (1ss3 for Chandra instead of ss3 for instance), but I feel like maybe that's worth it. They'd still be easily searchable with "contains".
As someone who hates the Invocations, I definitely understand that concern. And as someone with minor OCD, I get being annoyed about the naming conventions. But a few them are soooo pretty as to be worth it I think.
Hmm. looks fine to me, so maybe your download was interrupted somehow. Delete it and try again?
Empty the Warrens is indeed working now! Was broken for both of us, so prob was broken at some point, but now isn't.
It's not so much that I like doing that, it's that Lackey is limited in its ability to deal with the situation. Saved decks, for instance, are loaded purely by card name and set, ignoring any further distinguishing info. So you save a deck with the Book Island, and when you load that deck later, maybe you have the Mill Island. I've not done thorough enough testing to really be sure how it would affect drafted packs, either (which means I'm not 100% sure the double-common Wastes in OGW is generating perfectly). In the absence of feature improvement to Lackey, I'm not sure this is something I'm equipped to handle better in the plugin.
Oh, I see. Unfortunate, but I understand. I might look into adding like five files manually with the Scryfall image and just giving them some goofy name. Idk.
You know, that's a good point. I probably should add the back-side text to the main card's text, much like how I format Kamigawa flip cards and adventurers. Thank you for the suggestion.
You're welcome!
Oh my goodness, if I was finding and replacing through all these text files, I would loose my mind! Thankfully my automated scripts pull all card data from Scryfall, so yes, when next I update the plugin it will include all available errata.
Knew it was somewhat, but didn't realize your process was fully automated, that certainly does make things easier!
The mystery continues. Which ones are missing for you? Is it card-playing sounds? And if so, do you have the same weird "@PT"/blank Sound field like dragostea mentioned?
I moved this one to the end, since its the most complicated. Yes, I have the same PT in the deck, nothing in the search as they do. But the thing is I don't think the problem is with the sounds, but with the downloading somehow. I went into the set files and if hopefully the forum formats this well enough, you'll be able to see that there's nothing between Rarity and Text, other than the few cards with scripts. There's a column for Sound, but its always empty in the txt files. All the generic sounds (Shuffle, Roll, etc) do seem to work. If you tell me what they are supposed to be, I can try to add the sounds to a couple cards in the txt file manually and see what happens.
Alabaster Dragon portal por/1 W W {4}{W}{W} 6 Creature - Dragon 4 4 R /ch Flying | When Alabaster Dragon dies, shuffle it into its owner's library.
Angelic Blessing portal por/2 W W {2}{W} 3 Sorcery C Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains flying until end of turn.
Archangel portal por/3 W W {5}{W}{W} 7 Creature - Angel 5 5 R /ch Flying, vigilance
Ardent Militia portal por/4 W W {4}{W} 5 Creature - Human Soldier 2 5 U Vigilance
Armageddon portal por/5 W W {3}{W} 4 Sorcery R Destroy all lands.
Armored Pegasus portal por/6 W W {1}{W} 2 Creature - Pegasus 1 2 C /ch Flying
Blessed Reversal portal por/7 W W {1}{W} 2 Instant R You gain 3 life for each creature attacking you.
Blinding Light portal por/8 W W {2}{W} 3 Sorcery R Tap all nonwhite creatures.
Border Guard portal por/9 W W {2}{W} 3 Creature - Human Soldier 1 4 C
Ok yeah, I found the sounds list in that ListofCardSoundFiles file you mentioned, and input them manually into random cards. All the sounds worked.
Unfortunately, I have no idea why the Sound column downloads blank. Hopefully, its a just a silly little thing.
The Sound column is actually supposed to be blank in the card files, and the rules in ListOfCardSoundFiles.txt should be applied automatically, so that you should see them listed in the deckbuilder (and, of course, hear them in use). I have no idea how it could be working for my plugin installation and obviously not for others. I've even verified with a clean plugin install, from scratch, and I still can't reproduce the bug.
Oh, well in that case, something is awry with that process then. Let me know if there's anything you want me to look at.
" I've even verified with a clean plugin install, from scratch, and I still can't reproduce the bug."
Should I reinstall? or is the situation so dire that I need to amputate?
Well, if nothing else, it could be a test to try. Rename your existing magic plugin folder, then install clean from the update URL. If it for some reason fixes your sounds, you can then copy over your saved decks (and even card images too, to save downloading those again).
But I'm wondering if maybe the ListofCardSoundFiles method is just unreliable somehow. I used to have the sounds listed normally in the card data files, and it would be easy to switch back.
So, I amputated. It'll grow back, right?
Did it fix the sounds?
I re-installed the plugin and it did not fix the sounds :-(
- Added Signature Spellbook and Secret Lair sets. Each set code has "1" prepended; for instance, Secret Lair Drop is 1sld insteead of sld. This will keep Lackey from supplying promo prints by default when you paste in a deck list.
- Card sounds are once again listed directly in the card files instead of in ListOfCardSoundFiles. Hopefully this fixes the sound problem.
- The formatting for flip cards, double-faced cards, and meld have been improved and made more consistent. The full text, name, types, and (if applicable) power/toughness of the bottom/back/melded side are appended to the main card's text field, for easier searching.
- All errata should be up to date. Notably, we now have the mill keyword and hounds are DOGS!
- Added the Pioneer format.
Can confirm that sound problem is fixed. Thank you <3
Thank you!!!
You're welcome! : )
Core Set 2021 is now hi-res.
I also flagged the Secret Lair cards which don't yet have high-res images. This won't change anything visible for now, just the image file names. But if you've viewed Secret Lair cards in the last five days, you might want to delete your plugins/setimages/1sld folder, so that when high-res images are available, Lackey will download them correctly.
Added Double Masters.
Added Mythic Edition, showcase frame prints for Double Masters, and borderless planeswalkers from Eldraine, Theros, Ikoria, and M21.
Hey, the six new images from M21 don't download. Also, the masterpiece Teferi, HoD is so pretty I'm going to have to find a commander that can prominently feature him. Or just Rule 0 'cheat' and make him the commander. We already ignore the hybrid rule after all.
Also, why is Gunk the only token in the deck building zone and (I think) the only one with no image. I don't where you got all the other lackey token images, if that source has no Gunk, that part makes sense, but, I know its from a weird and fun mystery test card, but shouldn't it still be in the token zone? I mean, wouldn't I need to get them out of the token area so my opponent could shuffle them were I to play with the (hilarious) test cards.
Quote from: turtlelemon on August 05, 2020, 07:31:41 PM
Hey, the six new images from M21 don't download. Also, the masterpiece Teferi, HoD is so pretty I'm going to have to find a commander that can prominently feature him. Or just Rule 0 'cheat' and make him the commander. We already ignore the hybrid rule after all.
Oops! Fixed. Thanks for catching it. I've fixed so many possible errors by automating my processes, but I keep missing images here and there. I should figure out a better way of making sure that doesn't happen in future.
Glad you're enjoying the additions. : )
Quote from: turtlelemon on August 05, 2020, 07:31:41 PM
Also, why is Gunk the only token in the deck building zone and (I think) the only one with no image. I don't where you got all the other lackey token images, if that source has no Gunk, that part makes sense, but, I know its from a weird and fun mystery test card, but shouldn't it still be in the token zone? I mean, wouldn't I need to get them out of the token area so my opponent could shuffle them were I to play with the (hilarious) test cards.
Gunk... is weird. I debated not even making it, since it's not like Gunk Slug ( is even a "real" card, but I decided to err on the side of completeness. Some explanations:
- I generate all the custom Lackey token images ( myself. I pull the images from suitable existing cards/tokens, and the rest is from templates I've Photoshopped from the frames of actual tokens. It took a good bit of work to set up, but the generation is now all automated; when a new card is printed that makes a copy of itself (!chronozoa)+-is:reprint), for instance, my script just spits out an image and I upload it.
- I initially decided not to make images at all for the tokens that are only made by playtest cards. They're not "real" anyway, and reading the text display in Lackey isn't that different from reading the "stickered" playtest cards themselves.
- I have changed my mind, however. While keeping them imageless works well enough for gameplay, Lackey doesn't know how to handle it when someone uses the "Download all missing card images" button, so it hangs up. This, plus my aforementioned desire for completeness, has nudged me to decide that I will makes images for them.
- That said, it feels wrong to format them to look like "actual" tokens, so I'm going to do a bit of Photoshop work and make them look stickered, like the playtest cards. No promises how soon I'll get to this, but it should be a fun look.
- The playtest cards, not being "real" cards, do some very strange things that wouldn't normally be allowed in Magic. Some of these are arguably even beyond what silver-bordered Magic would ordinarily do?remember these weren't playtested. The biggest issue, with regards to Lackey, is that several of them instruct you to create tokens and then put those tokens in a zone other than the battlefield. (They're not just tokens, they're token cards!) Not only is this usually impossible in Magic; it's impossible in Lackey. Lackey doesn't allow tokens to exist in the deckbuilder or in any game zone other than the table. If you drag a token to any non-table zone, it ceases to exist.
- Bone Rattler ( puts Reassembling Skeleton ( token cards in your graveyard, and Time Sidewalk ( puts Time Walk ( token cards in your library. Since both of these are actual cards that already exist, I simply added scripts to spawn those actual cards. In-game, you should remember that they're technically tokens as well as cards, but the fact that Lackey considers them to be cards means you can put them in your graveyard or library without issue.
- Gunk Slug ( is the odd one out. It creates a unique token card, which is not a copy of an existing card, and shuffles it into your opponent's library. One way to work around this would be to designate some card?say, I dunno, Mudhole ( a proxy, and create copies of that. The only other way is to create a custom Lackey "token" that Lackey considers to be a card.
All that said... perhaps I should add a summarized explanation on Gunk itself, so people who come across it like you have will understand why it's there.
Sometimes I do not think things through. I can't tell you the number of times I've deleted a dead token by sliding it into whatever zone is closest, be it Hand, Library, or whatever. Like, I know that tokens can't go into other zones. That def should have occurred to me. A short explanation might be nice, but I do think most players are prob capable of being smart and actually thinking about it.
Also, I appreciate all the work for the extra tokens. For instance, without all the keyword counters Crystalline Giant would be unplayable.
No worries! Plenty of things that are obvious in retrospect don't always occur to us at the time. If there's one thing I've learned from this project, is that's UI-designers need to keep that in mind. (If there's even a 1% chance a feature could be misunderstood, and 100 people use your app, someone's going to be confused.)
And thank you, that's always nice to hear. I'm rather proud of my tokens, but by their very nature they're the sort of thing that's supposed to blend in and not really be noticed.
Behold: original Mystery Booster playtest tokens (!
(I'm particularly fond of these two unsettling individuals:)
I've also added a number of helpful scripts to playtest cards. In addition to everything being able to make its tokens, we also now have:
- Whammy Burn ( spawn whammy deck (one of each basic land). You can then put it in a shufflable zone to shuffle it.
- Tibalt, the Chaotic ( roll d3 so you can randomly choose a spell
- Frontier Explorer ( spawn a Plains
- Seek Bolas's Counsel ( roll d6 so you can choose an option; can also spawn both emblems and Pools of Becoming
8/16/20 (forward-dated by an hour to convince Lackey to update)
Minor update: fixed a glitch with Gunk's image file not loading correctly.
Added a draftable "pack" which includes a single draft-matters card from Conspiracy 1. Now you can add draft-matters to any draft in Lackey!
Added cards spoiled so far for Zendikar Rising, Commander Legends, and Commander Collection: Green.
The full Zendikar Rising set is added.
Added the cards previewed so far for Zendikar Rising Commander.
Incidentally, I realized just the other day that for a while, I've been making a formatting error in the version file. It stopped Lackey from correctly doing automatic updates. But now it's fixed!
Like fifteen ZNR cards have Error Downloading Image for me. Three such are 172, 170, 265.
Thanks! I think I fixed it, let me know if you still find some missing.
Double Masters is now high-res.
Whoops, I had Double Masters using standard drafting packs! Now corrected, so you should get:
- 1 rare or mythic rare
- 3 uncommons
- 8 commons
- 2 "foil" slots, which can be of any rarity
(The probabilities aren't 100% accurate, but are as good as I can simulate in Lackey.)
Also added the Zendikar Secret Lair Drop.
Jumpstart is now high-res.
This is probably asking too much, especially since I bugged you into adding Secret Lair in the first place, but is there any way you could just not add the Walking Dead cards. I really do not like them, and it seems like very few do. So we could just pretend they aren't real? And I believe there's Arena only unique cards you don't have in, so there's precedent to ignore these unique cards too, right? Right??? Maybe???
Walking Dead cards? What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure nothing like that exists. ?_?
;D ;D ;D
Added full Zendikar Rising Commander set, new Secret Lair cards, and ongoing spoilers for Commander Legends.
Also added scripts for Monarch, Amass, and Encore.
Aaaaand also removed the Ravnica sets and M20 from Standard. Only a month late. Can you tell I don't really follow Standard?
The full Commander Legends set is up. (The normal set is "cmr", and the borderless planeswalkers and foiled alt-frame cards are under "1cmr".)
I have not yet added the draftable pack, because I haven't yet been able to find detailed enough information about how the various slots are allocated.
- Zendikar Rising and Zendikar Rising Commander are now high-res.
- Added Germ-spawning script for Living Weapons.
Skyclave Relic wasn't making token copies of itself. Fixed.
Kaldheim is uploaded, as well as what's revealed so far of Kaldheim Commander.
- Commander Collection: Green is now high-res.
- Topdeck the Halls, the new holiday card, is added.
- Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition has the new Pathways.
- Various Secret Lair cards added and/or updated to high-res, as appropriate
Commander Legends is now (mostly) high-res. (The double-foiled alternate prints, as well as the tokens that only appear in the commander decks, are still low-res.)
I've also added an ActualSet field to the card data. This always matches the card's set code as listed on Scryfall, rather than some older, custom set codes I maintain for Lackey backwards compatibility with saved decks, or the "1" I now prepend for promo prints.
I'm not seeing Commander Legends as an option for packs/draft.
Feature request - can we allocate a wider number than 1-10 packs in a card pool at a time?
Time Spiral Remastered (and Zendikar Rising Expeditions) are added.
P.S. This update introduced a bug that could cause draft packs to include basic lands in common slots. I've fixed it, and forward-dated the update to tomorrow (3/7) to make sure Lackey updates even if you download the update earlier today.
@dragostea: I haven't added Commander Legends packs yet because the pack structure is quite complex, and I haven't been able to find thorough information about what all you can get in which slots, in what probabilities. Every time Wizards makes a set with custom-collated packs, it's an exciting new headache for me to simulate. I intend to add it when I can do so at least reasonably accurately.
Unfortunately the 1-10 selector is a part of Lackey that isn't configurable by plugin settings.
I have three things.
1. A bunch of Secret Lair images are getting errors. The only one not 'temp' tho is 142, which I believe is Thraximundar.
2. Do you think you'll add Lord of the Rings and all this other foolishness? I was really happy when you didn't add the Walking Dead cards, but if it's gonna be a whole thing now... I mean what if there's a real cool random equipment or something. Idk.
3. OK, so the amount of work this would take me, I would never do it, but you know all sorts of shortcuts and stuff, so I'm just going to propose it. What if you added a set called lands or 1lands or something and added all the extra lands arts like Plains (Beta B), Swamp (Legions C), Mountain (War D), etc. Now, like I said, if you have to add the lands one by one by one, that would be quite a lot, but if its easy, I mean, all the land arts are sooooooooooo pretty.
And, of course, thanks for all the awesome work you do! :) :) :)
1. Missing Secret Lair images
Thanks for the catch! Images should be uploaded now.
2. Adding Universes Beyond
I imagine I will (and I'll probably go back and add the Walking Dead cards too). It was one thing when it was a one-off gimmick, but apparently it's a whole deal now.
3. Multiple land art per set
I have thought about doing something similar, but... it really would be a logistical clusterfuck to shoehorn all that into a program that doesn't natively support such a thing.
Ok, so, A, I guess some kind of certificate for this website needs to be renewed? Idk if you can see even this (Firefox wouldn't let me even open the site, but Chrome does.), but if you are in contact with whoever can do that.
But more importantly, another issue. Ok so I know you like adding columns and more information and functionality. But. The search area on the left goes down in order of the columns, a fact you probably can't change. Because you've added enough columns, there's only room for one Text search. At least on my laptop screen, which isn't, like, tiny, the last option is the second Sound. And there are circumstances where it's really nice to be able to search for two different things on a card. So it would be really nice if you could move things like Draft Qualities, Script, Sound, maybe one of the Sets, to after Text. If there are people who like reading the text in the box instead of reading the card, they can still enlarge the column even if its not the last one.
Also, I'm not sure I ever used the feature, but didn't you make it possible at some point to move a stack of cards from the Game area back to the Deck Editor somehow? Or did I make that up in my memory somehow? If it ever was possible, I can't seem to find it anymore.
So, first off, what happened to a bunch of posts? Weird.
Anyway, though, small thing I noticed, the Secret Lair cards for Okaun, Zndr, Propaganda, and Stitch in Time have colors but no color identities. Both the regular and the (B) for all four.
Quote from: turtlelemon on January 08, 2022, 09:07:41 PM
So, first off, what happened to a bunch of posts? Weird.
There was some problems with a forum update and the only backup that I could get to work was from several months back. All the more recent backups wouldn't load for one reason or another.
Newly added:
- Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
- Neon Dynasty Commander (partial spoiler)
- Unfinity (partial spoiler)
- Holiday cards: Last-Minute Chopping and the Treasure token
- New Secret Lair cards, as usual
Newly high-res:
- Midnight Hunt alternate arts
- Midnight Hunt Commander
- Crimson Vow (just the main set, not alt arts or tokens yet)
- Crimson Vow Commander
- Color identity for reversible cards (good catch, turtlelemon)
Error Downloading Image for the five Crimson Vow Basic Lands.
Thank you for all the work you put into creating and maintaining the plugin!
Is there a list of all the sets included in the plugin and, specifically, is unstable included? - I couldn't see it but I've not used Lackey in about 5 years so it's entirely possible I'm missing something obvious.
turtlelemon: Thanks, fixed
Trebor200: Not really, other than the plugin itself, but yes, Unstable is included. The set code is "ust".
Generally speaking, the Set field of a card should always contain the official three-letter set code used by Wizards. To maintain backwards compatibility within Lackey, some older sets use nonstandard names, but in either case, the ActualSet field should be accurate. You can search by either in the Lackey deck editor.
no kamigawa commander yet? is there a way to do it manually?
- a total lamen to lackey
Advil_Lavigne: My bad, I've been preoccupied lately and didn't even notice the rest of the spoiler dropped. I should be able to get that done tomorrow evening.
- Neon Dynasty Commander (full set)
- Kamigawa Neon Dynasty: added tokens
- Various new Secret Lair cards
It looks like we're still missing the 2 commanders from the Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Commander decks?
I did notice they aren't included in the official deck lists, but when I try to add them to the deck in Lackey they don't exist.
Also, thank you for all the work you do so we can enjoy the game!
Ginyu, if you mean Chishiro and Kotori, they're in it for me.
But what I came here to post is that, there's now two completely different cards called Unquenchable Fury, and I feel like one of them should get a (b) or (Battle the Horde) or something.
OK OK, I was wrong, for some reason lackey was automatically filtering by "standard" but if I changed the filter to "any" they show up.
Sorry for any confusion and thanks again!
Glad you got it sorted!
Re: Unquenchable Fury. Man, that's an odd situation. Yeah, I guess I'll change the title of the one from Battle the Horde.
Another little thing I noticed: Snow Covered Lands don't have a sound.
Good catch!
- Streets of New Capenna added (except for tokens)
- New Capenna Commander partial spoiler added
- Crimson Vow alternate prints are now high-res
- Snow basic lands now make the proper sounds
- The Unquenchable Fury in Battle the Horde has been retitled (and changed in the decklist, as well) so as not to conflict with the newer card from Neon Dynasty Commander
- I've changed how multiple prints of the same card in Secret Lair Drop are titled. From here on out, they should stay consistent—no more shifting about when new prints come out at lower collector numbers.
The first print of a card (chronologically) has just its title; any subsequent prints have their number added in parentheses.
Can you add the rest of the Commander cards?
My bad, I forgot.
- Added the rest of New Capenna Commander
- New Capenna: added tokens and borderless alternate prints
Error Downloading Image for Secret Lair 388, 668, 702, 590, 593, 450, and 1005-1011.
(There's already been 1000 Secret Lair cards???)
Hmm, try it now?
Apparently there are 566 so far. The collector numbers are all over the place; sometimes not even the cards within each mini-"set" are numbered contiguously together. It's part of what makes it such a pain in the butt to keep up with.
Oops, I made a mistake before, the one error left is 450 Gala Greeters from 1snc, not secret lair. The rest work now!
Strange on the numbering. I guess they know what they are doing internally, but sure looks bizarre to have nearly double the collector number as actual cards.
Odd, I'm not sure how the rest of the set uploaded without that one. Fixed now. Thanks for looking out!
And yeah, Secret Lair is weird. It's the only set that's never finished, but rather keeps getting incremental updates. And since my updating system predates it, I didn't build it with that in mind, so it handles that aspect... suboptimally. Hasn't bugged me quite enough to improve it just yet, though. ;)
I've added what's spoiled so far of Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate.
So the wife and I have been playing a custom game were we give ourselves a booster box (from my custom pack defs) for the Unlimited Block of cards and I receive a "Traveling Party" card that no other MTG website says exist so, I'm wondering where did this card come from? Line 19 of premodern-core-sets.txt
QuoteTraveling Party alpha new-dawn/traveling-party lea W W {W}{W} 2 Enchantment R enchantment White creatures get +1/+1.
Is this card legit?
Ah, the conversation and announcement about that got eaten in the forum crash/reset. Wizards banned several cards for racial and cultural reasons a while back, most notably the infamous Invoke Prejudice. In order to let Old School players play the cards
mechanically without the problematic depictions, an Old School group called the Northern Paladins made mechanically-identical, but re-flavored, versions of the cards:
- Jihad -> Common Foe
- Stone-Throwing Devils -> Dancing Rats
- Cleanse -> Desiccation
- Pradesh Gypsies -> Eiriene of Spring
- Imprison -> Malaise
- Invoke Prejudice -> Psionic Symmetry
- Crusade -> Traveling Party
I could have just removed the cards outright, but I figured it would be neat to replace them with these "New Dawn" versions instead.
Are the old school card pictures still available on scryfall or somewhere so I can have my version like the original? Political correctness ruins everything and we don't want that forced on us by WotC.
Oh, FFS. Even if you think WotC was a little overzealous-at the very least Invoke Prejudice and the literal ethnic slur had to go, some of the others are perhaps debatable I guess, CC puts in a ton of work to maintain this for us, and we should respect that he's going along with Wizards and even added in the new versions. Also, you probably do still have the images in your LackeyCCG folder, and can go into the text files and reassign back to them. I don't feel like explaining how, and you'd have to redo it every update, but if you really insist on playing with an ethnic slur, I think you can.
Anyway, Error Downloading Image on 1sld 1015 and 1018.
I don't think WOTC is really forcing anything on anyone, except perhaps someone who was planning on playing any of these cards at a sanctioned tournament. So... probably no one. And I agree that some of them are probably reaching for it, but I don't blame them for wanting to rip a bigger bandaid off if they were already getting the most important one or two.
There are of course still plenty of images of the originals online, including on Scryfall. If I recall, I don't think I even deleted the Lackey-sized-and-cropped versions off my server. So yes, like turtlelemon said, if it's that important to you, you can change the ImageFile value back to what it was (which should be pretty clear from the cards before and after). If you've already played with them previously, Lackey will use your saved copies, and if not, it'll download them as usual.
A more permanent solution would be to rename and copy those original image files to the New Dawn folder where Lackey expects to find the replacements. That would persist across plugin updates.
P.S. Turtlelemon, you're a godsend for catching my mistakes, and SLD continues to be the bane of my existence. Uploaded the missing images.
Yep, just had to change the pre-modern core sets txt file back to original and its still finds the images, thanks. I always save my stuff to just a custom addon folder to add back in after comparing each file after an update so it's all good.
<packtitle>Alpha Booster</packtitle>
So in pack definitions 3 for the sets that have set-specific basic lands should the last <kind></kind> be:
To get the one guaranteed basic land in each booster? But for expansion sets who do not have their own set-specific lands then I assume those would just be 11 C rarity DOESNTCONTAIN Basic then, correct?
###Edit: my mistake I just read where from 7th edition on is when they started to include a basic land in a 15-card booster pack.
No worries! And yep, that's the reason for the difference.
All of Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate is uploaded!
Added Double Masters 2022, as well as automated scripts for cards that surveil.
- Added tokens for Double Masters 2022
- Improved scripts for manipulating the top of library:
- Several older cards that exiled the top card of your graveyard erroneously had top-of-library scripts ? fixed.
- Cards that exiled the top card(s) of your library, without letting you look at them, erroneously had scripts to look at the top card(s) ? fixed.
- Cards like Future Sight that tell you to play with your top card revealed now have scripts to reveal the card. (Unfortunately Lackey has no way to actually make it permanently visible.)
Quite a few things in this update!
New sets:
- Dominaria United
- Dominaria United Commander
Newly high-res images:
- Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
- Neon Dynasty Commander
- Commander Collection: Black
- Fixed Hideaway scripts. New Hideaway cards should no longer erroneously ETB tapped.
- Fixed Mechtitan Core so that it has a script to create its token
- Removed the (nonplayable) Celebration cards. (I doubt anyone's been putting 1996 World Champion in their decks.)
- Additional Unfinity spoilers
- New cards (and some newly high-res images) for Secret Lair Drops, as usual
- Some of the Pride Across the Multiverse cards (Bearscape, Collective Voyage, Heartbeat of Spring, Sol Ring, and Mana Confluence) were previewed by Wizards with incorrect collector numbers. Scryfall doesn't have actual high-res scans yet, but has updated their entries to match the numbers on the actually printed cards. You might have to delete these if you've previously downloaded them and they start appearing incorrectly for you in Lackey. (If you added this printing of Sol Ring to a deck, it will disappear, as its name has changed to reflect the correct collector number.)
First of all, I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you for the time and effort you have put into this plugin over the years and for picking it up when you did. I've been maintaining the plugin in for years and there's just one question that I have that has always tugged at my OCD tendencies and I apologize if it's already been answered in years past.
In the deck editor, I've always wondered about the difference listed between "known cards" and "cards shown." With the latest update there's a difference in the two numbers of just over 2,000 cards. I'm not nitpicking in any way, I've just always wondered why the difference? Are these super secretive cards that were only created and given to Wizards of the Coast staff? Are they rare one-offs that were printed and auctioned/sold to private collectors? When I first started using the plugin years ago, I thought the discrepancy came from having the "combine reprints" button checked, but the difference in numbers remains the same no matter if the box is checked or not. Or maybe I'm blowing it all out of proportion and it's just a coding glitch of some kind, lol.
Anyway, if you have an explanation, I'd love to hear it. If it's one of life's mysteries then I guess we'll never know. Either way, great job once again, and kudos for your willingness to keep it alive after all these years.
Hi, jsd1107! Glad you're enjoying the plugin.
First of all, "Combine reprints" doesn't affect what cards are shown in the "All Cards" pane; it only affects how cards are added to your deck. With it checked, attempting to add a different print of a card already in your deck will instead add the print that's already there. The checkbox relevant to the full card list is "Ignoring doubles", and checking/unchecking that will change the number reported for "Shown" cards.
That said, you're correct that leaving "Ignoring doubles" unchecked still has a discrepancy of around 2,000 cards. The answer is... those are all the tokens in the plugin. You can view a list of all of them in the pane to the right of the play table (which can be shown by clicking the + in the upper corner if it's hidden). They're not shown in the deck builder since they can't be added to decks.
Thank you for the explanation. Mystery solved!!
- Added Warhammer 40K. Some of its tokens haven't been spoiled yet.
- Added a custom emblem for Karn, Living Legacy, since Wizards apparently forgot to print it with the set.
- Added the rest of the Warhammer tokens
- Added a couple of newly spoiled Unfinity cards
Not a fan of Unfinity and the stickers or has real life stuff gotten in the way?
Error downloading image for 2clb 931-934 and 1sld 677.
Honestly I'm a generally a big Unset fan, but I've really not been feeling Magic lately (and also yeah, real life stuff). I'll get around to it. (And the images too, thanks!)
Yeah, I haven't been feeling it either. I still don't like Universes Beyond, especially Warhammer grimdark, and I don't like Phyrexia either and that's all the products right not pretty much. :'(
A bunch of things in this update.
Newly added sets- The Brothers' War (BRO)
- The Brothers' War Commander (BRC)
- The Brothers' War Retro Artifacts (BRR), including the schematic versions
- Transformers (BRO)
- BRO draft boosters correctly contain one (or sometimes two) BRR retro artifacts.
- Unfinity (UNF)
- Packs always contain two Attractions.
- For now, I've titled the extra versions of Attractions the same as I did with variants from Unstable: for instance, Balloon Stand, Balloon Stand (b), etc. I might decide to change this, depending on how deckbuilding sites like TappedOut decide to output the various versions, in order to make importing easier.
- For now, Goblin Cruciverbalist ( and D00-DL, Caricaturist ( don't have scripts to spawn anything. I might make some custom tokens for them.
Sets with new hi-res images- Streets of New Capenna (SNC)
Other- Cards that generated some predefined tokens (such as Walkers and Powerstones) weren't getting their scripts. This has been fixed.
- SO MANY new Secret Lair cards, geez.
With so many things add, I'd honestly be surprised if I
haven't missed something. As always, please let me know if you find missing images or other errors.
Thanks for updating!
Error Downloading Image for I think all 1snc and 2snc cards, as well as snc 276 and 278 and 2clb 931-934.
Thanks! Reuploaded the images for SNC and CLB.
Hey there! First just wanted to say: Thank you so much for all your hard work over these years! Lackey and your MTG plugin have been an amazing catalyst for me and my fellow broke friends to not only keep playing magic, but through that keep fostering our friendship during times when actually meeting up become more and more difficult.
Please don't take this as entitled whining as I completely understand this isn't your job, and even if you stopped updating this right now it's still an invaluable tool, but we were wondering if there's an ETA on when the new jumpstart set is going to be added, as there are a bunch of new cards we want to test and experiment with in that set ;D
Hey there! I'm always happy to hear about people using and enjoying the plugin. I'm really glad it's helped you stay connected with your friends.
And that's not whiny at all! I have not been super feeling Magic lately, but I have no plans to stop updating the plugin. I may or may not get around to uploading Jumpstart before All Will Be One comes out, but at latest, I'll upload it at the same time when that's spoiled.
Awesome! And totally understandable. Well thanks again, and hope you're having a good weekend!
Okay, got a pretty massive update here.
New Sets- Phyrexia: All Will Be One
- Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander
- Jumpstart 2022
Sets with new cards added- Secret Lair Drop
- Universes Within
- Happy Holidays
Sets with new high-res images (except for tokens, oddly enough)- Dominaria United
- Dominaria United Commander
- Brothers' War
- Brothers' War Commander
- Brothers' War Retro Artifacts
- New Capenna Commander
- Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
- Warhammer 40K
- Unfinity
- Game Night: Free for All
- Double Masters 2022
Added tokens and high-res images for All Will Be One and All Will Be One Commander. Also, new Secret Lair cards (as always).
Hi @CrazyChucky, I have created a pack definition xml for jumpstart 2022 packs if you want to include it I've put it in this paste bin:
Thanks Sadi. Two concerns... One is that choosing your color ahead of time kind of defeats a lot of the purpose, doesn't it? Second is that a lot of those chance probabilities don't add up.
The reason I've not added packs for either of the two Jumpstart sets is that to do it properly would require far more chances, with far more granular probabilities, than Lackey supports.
Oh you are correct, it should just be random pack of any color!
As for the chance probability I tried making it adds up to 100 but it didnt seem to behave as intended.
Good to know about the limitation of Lackey
Yeah, unfortunately Lackey only supports integer probabilities. For instance, you can have 5%, but not 4.5%. Since no probability can be smaller than %1, the most chances you can ever have in a pack is 100, and that's only if they're all of equal probability. It's a big limit on what can be simulated.
New Sets- March of the Machines
- March of the Machines Commander
- Multiverse Legends
Partial Spoilers- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth
- Tales of Middle-earth Commander
Newly hi-res cardsNewly hi-res tokens- Crimson Vow
- Dominaria United
- Dominaria United Commander
- Double Masters 2022
- Brothers' War
- Brothers' War Commander
- New Capenna Commander
- Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate
- Unfinity
New Sets- March of the Machines: Aftermath
- Unfinity sticker sheets
Newly high-res sets- March of the Machines
- March of the Machines Commander
Scripting improvements- Unfinity cards referencing tickets now have a script to spawn the Ticket Bucket-Bot token to keep track of them.
- Crimson Vow's Wedding Ring now has a script to spawn a copy of it.
- Spawn scripts now correctly pluralize "food" instead of "foods". ;)
New (Full) Sets- The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth
- Note: only mechanically unique cards for now. I'll come back and add all the various alternate/full art/borderless/etc. prints later.
- Tales of Middle-earth Commander
Scripting improvements- Added scripts to Garth One-Eye ( so he can spawn tokens of Shivan Dragon and Black Lotus.
- So uh... I noticed that Magic cards in fact pluralize "Food" as "Foods". Therefore I've changed it back in script labels.
Any chance of adding the mtg arena digital cards to mtg plugin?
Like the Alchemy stuff? There'd be no way to actually use their mechanics, so I'm not sure that would be useful at all.
New Sets- Commander Masters
- Wilds of Eldraine
- Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting Tales
- Wilds of Eldraine Commander
Sets with Cards Added- Secret Lair Drop (I mean okay, this is pretty much every update)
- Lord of the Rings: added all the various alternate art treatments
- Lord of the Rings Commander: same
There are a LOT of new cards, and my server's been weirdly persnickety about uploads, so let me know if you notice any missing or corrupted images.
Quote from: turtlelemon on March 31, 2021, 08:38:26 PMThe search area on the left goes down in order of the columns, a fact you probably can't change. Because you've added enough columns, there's only room for one Text search. At least on my laptop screen, which isn't, like, tiny, the last option is the second Sound. And there are circumstances where it's really nice to be able to search for two different things on a card. So it would be really nice if you could move things like Draft Qualities, Script, Sound, maybe one of the Sets, to after Text. If there are people who like reading the text in the box instead of reading the card, they can still enlarge the column even if its not the last one.
I totally didn't think of it at the time when reading this, but are you aware that you can reselect which field any of those filters apply to? When you click on it and the "Edit Filter" pane comes up, one of the dropdowns lets you change to any available field. You can have six different filters in a row all search the Oracle text, if you like. The ones displayed at first are just default suggestions.
Oops, I...completely missed that. That's embarrassing.
Anyway, I get Error Downloading Image for a bunch of Secret Lairs, including 731, 1347, and a bunch in the 600s. Also 1khm 406. And then it just stops downloading at 24.62 percent. I think if I type woe into set and scroll, I can get them, but yeah, the automatic is freezing. I don't know if this is just me, at least yet, as I don't live with the old roommate I used to play with anymore.
Thanks for updating!
No worries! There are a lot of things in Lackey and sometimes they're easy to miss. I'm sorry I didn't think of it earlier.
Not sure why those were missing, but I reuploaded SLD and KHM and I'm currently running a "download all" to see if it hangs up anywhere else.
All of that is fixed now, but I get errors for the six new 'Universes Within' cards, Gisa's Shovel and all that.
Fixed! Huh, I thought when I woke up and Lackey was done downloading, that meant everything had worked. Didn't realize it just moves on past errors and doesn't mention them at the end.
Also I keep duplicate copies of Universes Within cards with both their official and flavor name, and apparently I accidentally didn't do that for Lucille. Will add it back in with the next update.
- Added Doctor Who
- Added back the copy of Lucille that's actually named Lucille (in addition to Gisa's Favorite Shovel)
- New SLD cards, as usual
- Changed how "reversible cards" work to match regular DFCs, instead of counting as two different cards. Now the SLD cereal box and baseball card prints are actually playable.
Quote from: CrazyChucky on June 26, 2023, 05:40:45 AMLike the Alchemy stuff? There'd be no way to actually use their mechanics, so I'm not sure that would be useful at all.
You can't always perfectly recreate the mechanics, but you can adjust them slightly and/or honor system them (counters don't clear going from zone to zone, so perpetual is cleaner on lackey than in paper at least). I do use Lackey to playtest for Historic before spending real monopoly money, and it would be cool to not have to proxy and keep tabs open for cards that are significant to the format or the brew. Not a higher priority than Ixalan, obviously, but would be a nice QoL thing.
any news on mtg update for new sets?
Hey! Sorry, was rather preoccupied with real life. I'm back! Whole bunch of stuff in this update:
New sets- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan (
- Lost Caverns Commander (
- Special Guests (
- Fallout (
- Jurassic World Collection (
Sets with cards added- Secret Lair Drop (, as always
- The latest Holiday card (, Seasonal Sequels (
- The basic lands ( for Wilds of Eldraine (, which for some reason were missing
- Lord of the Rings holiday additions ( (and Lord of the Rings Commnander holiday additions ( It's weird that they didn't give these a new set code.
As always, let me know if anything's missing or not working correctly.
@WhamBamSam I think if I added them, I'd want to do it as a separate variant of the plugin, so one could opt into it, but by default the plugin wouldn't have them. That way people who don't even know about Alchemy wouldn't have them showing up in their search results and being confusing and unplayable. No promises when I might get around to setting that up, though.
Oops! In my previous update, I added the "normal" holiday additions to LTR, but I missed the five Jumpstart cards ( Fixed!
hi i updated plugin but cannot find the fallout cards why?
I'm not sure why. They're in there. Try searching for the name of any given card you want from the set (, or just search for cards belonging to the "PIP" set.
New sets- Murders at Karlov Manor (
- Murders at Karlov Manor Commander (
- Ravnica: Clue Edition (
Sets with cards added- Secret Lair Drop (, as always
- Special Guests ( new additions for MKM
Full Fallout set added, and new SLD cards.
Full set for Outlaws of Thunder Junction is here, yeehaw! Note: tokens haven't been spoiled yet.
Will add the associated Commander set and The Big Score and such once they're fully spoiled.
Also, as of Murders at Markov Manor, booster packs are different now and include cards from several different set codes, including Special Guests... I need to fiddle with things to implement them correctly. For the moment, both MKM and OTJ have "normal" draft boosters in Lackey.
Added Breaking News, The Big Score, and what's spoiled so far of Modern Horizons 3.
The new booster pack structure still needs more fiddling.
New sets- Outlaws of Thunder Junction Commander (
- Modern Horizons 3 ( (only early previews were there before)
- Modern Horizons 3 Commander (
- Heroes of the Realm (
Sets with cards added- Secret Lair Drop (, as always
- Special Guests ( new additions for MH3
Other- Fixed a few pluralizations. Most noticeably, things now create multiple "Eldrazi Spawn" instead of "Eldrazi Spawns", and "Mercenaries" instead of "Mercenarys".
Thanks for updating!
Error downloading for Doctor Who token 28, which is Treasure, 40k temp 322, and 1sld 796s.
Also, would it be possible to add Bria, Mabel, and the other five or so adorable cards they previewed from BLoomburrow?
And thank you for catching things! Re-uploaded the missing images.
New sets- Early preview cards for Bloomburrow (
Other- Cards with Afterlife ( now have spirit-spawning scripts.
- Found an interesting minor bug: instants and sorceries that had subtypes (Arcane, Lesson, etc.) or were the backsides of battles had scripts to spawn their tokens, but they didn't auto-spawn when played. Fixed.
Thanks! I can already tell this is gonna be my favorite set since at least Ikoria and the first Eldraine, maybe even longer.
Sets with new cards- As always, Secret Lair Drop (
Errata- Wizards is standardizing some creature types and changing other stuff! Naga are now snakes, viashino are now lizards, tribal is now kindred, and totem armor is now umbra armor.
Errata- Cephalids are Octopuses now, apparently! Makes sense.
Tokens- It's always cool when Wizards prints a token that's never existed in paper before — and it means I can remove it from the plugin's custom tokens (! I apparently missed some recently, but we now have official versions for:
- 2/2 vanilla Knight (, from Waylay ( (and now Recruitment Drive (
- 4/4 Horror (, from Hunted Lammasu (
- 3/3 Centaur with protection from black (, from Hunted Horror (
- 0/1 Sheep (, from Ovinomancer (
- 2/1 black Cat (, from Penumbra Bobcat (
- But it's not all removals! I also noticed that Gruff Triplets ( and Skitterbeam Battalion ( were only generating generic copy tokens. Now they make custom dudes!
Skitterbeam Battalion was inconvenient, as its prototype ability meant that I need to have two custom Lackey tokens, and under the current naming scheme, they would both be named "[lackey] Skitterbeam Battalion (Copy)". We all know how well Lackey handles duplicates in the same set. I went ahead and renamed all copy tokens to be more in line with other, "normal" tokens — so for instance, these two are "[lackey] Skitterbeam Battalion (4/4 Trample, Haste) (Copy)" and "[lackey] Skitterbeam Battalion (R 2/2 Trample, Haste) (Copy)".
Just look at these lil' fellas. They make me happy. ^_^
New sets- Assassin's Creed (
Sets with cards added- Secret Lair Drop (, as always
Other- Teferi's Talent ( now has a script to spawn its emblem (
New sets- Bloomburrow (
- Bloomburrow Commander (
Sets with cards added- Special Guests ( (cards for Bloomburrow)
- For once, nothing new in Secret Lair Drop!
Sets with cards added- Added all the various alternate prints for Bloomburrow ( and Bloomburrow Commander (
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail ( cards for Secret Lair Drop 🤣
Added Ravnica Remastered (!
Sets with cards added- Secret Lair Drop (, as usual
Errata- "Enters the battlefield" has been shortened to "enters". A few related phrasings have changed too: for example, "a creature enters the battlefield under your control" is now "a creature you control enters". This affects a LOT of cards, obviously — pretty sure it changes every single card data file
Other- I've changed how reversible cards (for example, this printing of Zndrsplt ( are handled in the plugin. Previously, the front side was a normal card, and the back side was only available as a spawned token, like DFCs. In practice, I don't think this makes sense. It would be better to be able to choose which one you want for your deck. Therefore, the back sides are now included as full-fledged cards.
New Sets- Duskmourn (
- Duskmourn Commander (
- Mystery Booster 2 ( — All the new playtest cards are included, but I've not yet had time to go through and implement all the custom tokens and other weird scripting things yet.
Sets with cards added- Special guests ( cards for Duskmourn
- Secret Lair Drop (, as usual
Bugfixes- Dungeon Master ( from Heroes of the Realm was mistakenly listed as a token (because one of his types is "Dungeon" 🤣). Fixed.
- Some Secret Lair cards weren't uploaded under the right file names after Scryfall changed how they record some collector's numbers. Should all be good now.
I updated the plugin last night, but didn't get a chance to post a message here, so this is for yesterday, 10/2/25.
Sets with added card- Secret Lair Drop (
- Duskmourn: Kaito's emblem (, which wasn't on Scryfall yet when I added the set
Scripting improvements- Token scripts for playtest cards, and conjuring scripts for Alchemy Made Real cards, in Mystery Booster 2 (
- Cards that reference finality counters can now create one.
TOKENSThis is the big one. As of Core Set 2020 (, Wizards introduced a new frame style for tokens. Roughly five years later, I've followed suit! I've reverse-engineered all the fancy transparency effects, and whenever possible sourced higher-res files of the art to better enlarge and fill the full-ish-art frames:
Now that Wizards has been printing official tokens that are copies of cards, I have a real style guide to follow for displaying mana costs on tokens, as reminder text rather than in the title bar like I've been doing previously:
Also included is the added legendary crown on tokens:
In some cases I've picked different illustrations, if the one I had previously didn't work well in the new aspect ratio. Handily, Donato Giancola has since done a wider view of the same creature design in his own Shivan Dragon artwork:
I've also overhauled how I handle planeswalkers. Since there are so few of them, I've been Photoshopping custom elements on top of each individual card. But now I've created separate frame elements and automated the process so that I generate them from the ground up like everything else. This means I have more freedom to alter or omit text as needed, as seen here:
(From left to right: original card, Photoshop work on top of it for the old token style, and full-generated version for the new style. This way I can leave off things irrelevant to the token — like kicker and casualty — and add the mana cost.)
I've also added all the new tokens that Mystery Booster 2's playtest cards create, but have not yet made custom art for them.
All the custom-generated tokens in Lackey can be viewed here (
Hope you enjoy them! As always, let me know if you find anything missing or incorrect.
New sets- Dominaria Remastered (
New sets- Foundations (
- Secret Lair 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit (
Scripting- Added missing spawn scripts for several legendary tokens:
- Beau ( from Bonny Pall, Clearcutter (
- Tamiyo's Journal ( from Tamiyo, Compleated Sage (
- Icingdeath, Frost Tongue ( from Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant (
- Volo's Journal ( from Volo, Itinerant Scholar (
Other- New art for several playtest tokens ( from Mystery Booster 2 (
New sets- Aetherdrift (
- Aetherdrift Commander (
- Innistrad Remastered (
Sets with Cards Added- Eggnogger's 'Stache ( in Happy Holidays (
- Special Guests (Aetherdrift) (
- Secret Lair Drop (
Bugfix- The Zeppelin token ( created by Lita, Mechanical Engineer ( was mistakenly rendered as a creature in addition to being a vehicle, and didn't have its rules text. This has been fixed.
Thanks for updating! I'd almost rather this set just be Universes Beyond Mario Kart than what it actually is, but even still.
Three things, one of which you probably can't help me with.
First, Error Downloading Image on a lot of stuff from mb2 between the 500s and 600s. 1sld 790s and 795s and also archenemy 54-58.
Second, I don't think you ever added FDN Jumpstart. I know it's a huge set, but according to the wiki, there's 56 new cards. Maybe just those?
Third, the one I think nothing can be done. The up button on my laptop keyboard stopped working. Which is mostly fine, I just use the one in the right side number area. But for some reason Lackey refuses to recognize those buttons. Is there anything I'm missing that will let me change that? If not, ages ago on a different computer, I did need to use this program called Key Tweak after my 6 y and h buttons stopped working, so I can prob find a way to make it work. Also, when looking thru cards, I just always start at the top now and go down.
Quote from: turtlelemon on January 31, 2025, 10:05:54 PMFirst, Error Downloading Image on a lot of stuff from mb2 between the 500s and 600s. 1sld 790s and 795s and also archenemy 54-58.
Huh, I'm not sure why, but I'll re-upload the images for those sets.
Quote from: turtlelemon on January 31, 2025, 10:05:54 PMSecond, I don't think you ever added FDN Jumpstart. I know it's a huge set, but according to the wiki, there's 56 new cards. Maybe just those?
Dagnabbit, I completely missed that one. Plenty of reprints with new art, too, but it's odd that enchantments don't have the "new" (for non-creatures) enchantment frame, like in Foundations itself.
Quote from: turtlelemon on January 31, 2025, 10:05:54 PMThird, the one I think nothing can be done. The up button on my laptop keyboard stopped working. Which is mostly fine, I just use the one in the right side number area. But for some reason Lackey refuses to recognize those buttons. Is there anything I'm missing that will let me change that? If not, ages ago on a different computer, I did need to use this program called Key Tweak after my 6 y and h buttons stopped working, so I can prob find a way to make it work. Also, when looking thru cards, I just always start at the top now and go down.
Yeah... sorry, I don't know what to do about that, other than a key remapper like you suggest. You could try mapping the numpad arrow to act like the other arrow.
New sets- Foundations Jumpstart (
And I think I got all the missing images, turtlelemon. Lemme know if not 👍
You did get all the old ones, but there's a bunch of errors for j25 in the 400s through 700s, also for 1j25 number 73.
Sigh... if it's not thing it's another! Re-uploaded J25 images.
I was wondering if Cynette, Jelly Dover will have her Jellyfish token added to the plugin?
It already does; she has a right-click script to spawn it, and I used Simon Dominic's art from Glimmberbell ( for it.
( (
Ozox, Clattering King ( also has a custom Jumblebones token, using Helge C. Balzer's art from Wretched Bonemass ("); and Psemilla, Meletian Poet ( has a Nymph token using Magali Villeneuve's art from Alseid of Life's Bounty (
( (
( (
None of these tokens have received actual printings from WOTC yet.
My fault, I was thinking of the one in Magic The Gathering Area which has it's own token to go with her
Oh hey, I didn't even think about Arena. I should see if I can get a decent-quality image of the art from those.
I don't play MTG Arena much I just know of Cynette's because its one of the few cards I enjoy building with as of now. But I'm sure it'll have some good art since I find a lot of people complimenting it. Though I'm not to sure myself