Horizontal Window Resizing Bar stays locked in Deck Editor Page

Started by IdTAPthat, February 14, 2014, 10:27:13 AM

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The window resizing bar won't move from being stuck at the bottom of the screen. I am unable to get to the deck list area, and I have already checked that the "lock window resizing bars" option isn't checked, in the preferences area. Is this a BUG?  :-\


I too am having the same problem in the deck editor. My window re-sizing bar is stuck at the bottom of the screen.  Thus I am unable to get to the "All Cards" Tab and "Card Pool" Tab beneath the re-sizing bar. 

I have already checked that the "lock window resizing bars" option isn't checked.
I have also closed and re-opened Lackey but the bar is still stuck.

If anyone could get back to me with the solution, it would be greatly appreciated.


Try closing app, deleting preferences and then relaunching?


Yes, deleting preferences and then re-launcing Lackey worked!