So trying to create Warhammer conquest plugin, error message...

Started by Hurdoc, April 06, 2015, 03:22:17 PM

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So I'm a complete newb when it comes to this but I set up some basic files, and it is working when I have it on my desktop preinstalled. Trying to create an updatelist.txt is not working though.

I'm using dropbox and it updates all the files but then when Lackey asks if I want to "load the plugin", Lackey crashes. When I reload Lackey, the plugin is working but I don't have any image files, so I'm assuming its the image load which is a problem. This is my updatelist.txt below.


Your CardGeneralURL points to a zip file.  I am not sure if that is allowed.


Ah, ok. I noticed that when I logged out of Dropbox. I guess I have to figure out how to modify that url so it doesn't do that. I'm seeing it as a regular directory when I'm logged in to DB.


I think you have to place them all into the Public folder for people to access each image by itself.  And the URL should just be to the Public folder.