Duel Masters CCG 1.0 (Base Set + Evo Crushinators of Doom + More Coming Soon)

Started by Shadow_BRIGHT, November 09, 2009, 07:11:40 PM

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Hello. I'm new to Lackey (and younger than you may think), and I was surprised to find that no one had made a Duel Masters plugin (that I know of) for Lackey. So I went ahead and made my own.

This is my first plugin, so any glitch reports/constructive criticism would be great   ;)

And now, without further a do:

Duel Masters CCG Online 1.0
Welcome to Duel Masters CCG Online, the only (that I know of) LackeyCCG plugin for Duel Masters!
Features include:
*All functions for Duel Masters, such as tapping and untapping
*All Duel Masters zones, such as the Battle Zone and Mana Zone
*All cards and images from the Base Set (starting) and Evo Crushinators of Doom (booster), including staples such as Bolshack Dragon and Urth, Purifying Elemental (More sets coming soon. Next version will more than likely have Base Set - Survivors of the Mega Apocalypse)

Download Link for 1.0 (Current):

Official Duel Masters Rules and Strategies at:

Duel Masters CCG Online IP:


Disclaimer: I do not own Duel Masters. Duel Masters is owned by Wizards of the Coast.


Look on the plugin list in Lackey.

DMasters is Duel Masters TCG.

There are 861 cards, according to what it says.



I downloaded the DMasters plugin, but I'm unable to load it on Lackey.
And how is it "Horribly updated"?


I said Horribly OUTdated. :P Also, the method for making plugins has changed a bit since Dmasters was first put on the list of plugins.  So, i meant what i said: Horribly Outdated.


you did say outdated I saw it with all four of my eyes! I just wanted to start stuff. lol.


Nice that you are updating it but can you make a set for high quality please  :)...the size for the cards is a bit small for my resolution currently. thanks


megaupload's been taken down, any chance someone's got an alt. link?


I was part of the group that was maintaining the most update to date DuelMasters plugin, and I'm sad to say that that plugin fell in to disrepair due to lack of interest: http://www.lackeyccg.com/forum/index.php?topic=1650.0

Although, it probably wouldn't be too hard to put it back up, and I still have the spreadsheets for all the sets except maybe the very latest japanese ones.
