Bug Report: MFC80.DLL could not be found in the specified path

Started by Uncle_Bilbo, January 10, 2010, 09:29:58 AM

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Using Windows2000 Pro. Version 5.00.2195, I have successfully installed the 10-14-09 build along with the lotr plugin.  The actual Lackeyccg.exe app runs fine, although every time I attept to run the LackeyCCGUpdater utility, I can't figure out why I get the following error message:

"The dynamic link libarary MFC80.DLL could not be found in the specified path C:\Games\lacky; C:\WNNT\system32; C:\WINNT...

..I'm not sure how important the Updater utility is, since as far as I can tell the Lackeyccg.exe app seems to be running okay, for now.



I'm not sure exactly how much importance the updater has either but I haven't needed to use it once in order to play, so... your call I s'pose.


Well it is easier than downloading a brand new lackey when it needs updated and moving your plugins and preferences into the new one, but even that is pretty easy to those with a little computer savvy.