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Messages - Reth

Yep, server unfortunately still down. Also thanks from my side for Lackey! I use it very often!
Bug Report Forum / Server not reachable
October 12, 2016, 01:12:46 PM
Hi everybody,

unfortunately I cannot connect to server. Log excerpt:

[19:53:17] Attempting to connect to server...
[19:53:23] You were unable to connect to the game matching server through its WANIP. Trying LANIP....
[19:53:30] You were unable to connect to the game matching server. Check to see if you have the latest version of LackeyCCG.
[19:53:30] There was an error connecting to the server. Shucks.
[19:53:36] Your entire server chat log has been saved to secure/ServerChatLogDump.txt

Will LackeyCCG server be back online today again?

Thanks for a short response.

And now working!?? What's up with Lackey?  :o
Now same error again!  :(
Working again!
Hi everybody,

since few days when trying to connect to LackeyCCG server everything seems to went fine but log just shows: "Attempting to connect to server..." and Lackey does not switch to connected screen setting (it still shows Connect button and Show advanced... button).

When pressing Connect button again Lackey claims: "You are already connected to the server" while in fact window still shows non-connected setup.
After a while Lackey says: "Your connection to the server seems to have been severed".

Can anybody help with this problem?

Many thanks in advance!

Now back and running again.
Hi everybody,

since today when trying to connect to LackeyCCG server I always get error message "Your connection to the server seems to have been severed".

Until yesterday everything went fine.

Can anybody help with this problem?

Many thanks in advance!

The crash always occurs a short while after I started AutoUpdate from given URL. Is there some kind of log or debug output that could be produced?
Unfortunately the XP machine does not work ATM (maybe not any more) so I cannot continue testing it (maybe some time again in future).
Hi everybody,

first of all thanks again for LackeyCCG. I am using it regularly to play Redemption.

Since I am not at home ATM but can use an old WinXP machine I installed LackeyCCG and tried to install the Redemption Plugin using the AutoUpdateURL. This has been working fine so far always when I used it on Win Vista.

But on WinXP LackeyCCG always crashes and Windows wants to send an error report. Is there anything known that it has to be used specially for WinXP?

Unfortunately I cannot use it ATM. Here is the URL I want to use for the plugin:

Does anybody have any idea on that?

Many thanks in advance!

Though I do know that this is a really old thread I just want to add that I am using a Powerbook with MacOS 10.5.8 PPC (since I can also run MorphOS on it).
Would be great if LackeyCCG would be available for that architecture (MacOS PPC) too.

Is LackeyCCG OpenSource or somehow available for porting (for interested programmers for example)?
Bug Report Forum / Re: Saving decks does not work
May 03, 2014, 05:36:38 PM
Ok, connecting to server works again after restarting Windows (for whatever reason).
Bug Report Forum / Re: Saving decks does not work
May 03, 2014, 02:05:06 PM
Ok, as soon as I start LackeyCCG with admin rights I at least can save decks. But I cannot connect to the server - meanwhile I cannot connect to server any more at all!
Bug Report Forum / Saving decks does not work
May 03, 2014, 12:58:00 PM
Hi again,

I'm using LackeyCCG on Windows with Redemption plugin and just edited a deck myself. Unfortunately neither hitting return next to the deck name nor pressing save button nor pressing Export as text file does do anything!
Result is that I cannot save my freshly edited deck!

Working here on Windows Vista but did not start LackeyCCG with admin rights! Can I adjust the paths for deck saving somewhere in order to try this? When choosing Open Directory I could not find a way yet to return to LackeyCCG taking over the selected dir!?

Any idea on this?

Many thanks and
Best Regards
Hi there,

I'm using LackeyCCG for some days now and figured out that I cannot type some characters like colon, question mark etc. at all.
Working here with Windows Vista German installation and German keyboard and keyboard layout. But even when I use the keys where question mark for example is located in US keyboard layout it does not work at all. For these characters Lackey only shows spaces within Chat inputs windows.

Any idea on this?

Many thanks in advance and

Best Regards