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Topics - carapippino

script to

1) draw to n card
2) swap 2 stat n
3) send a card to a game zone
4) perform the script n times
5) perform the script in a determinate phase of the turn, each n turns
6) "call variables" to other carddata values and already defined in the plugin card functions
7) move a card from a game zone to another
8 ) spawn function: spawn card from where / which game zone?
General Discussion Forum / ignoring people
July 05, 2014, 08:18:45 AM
when i ignore a person in the server, does the program remember the choice i did or is it all reset when i connect the next time?
General Discussion Forum / custom playmat
March 16, 2013, 06:03:50 AM
hi, which characteristics must a playmat file have to be loaded in a plugin and is it possible to include it a plugin to make it available automaticcaly when the plugin is installed/loaded?
is it possible to show the text of the carddata.txt (or multiple txts) on a little yellow note upon a certain (possibly customized) position of the image card of the deck editor and during gameplay when the mouse arrow passes upon a card on the table? maybe it could be added as gameplay option under preferences?

it would be useful for addition/substition/modyfy/errata of texts instead of the wrong original text printed on the card image

what do you think about it? thank you in advance
i've started to construct a new doomtrooper plugin from zero, and i read the tutorial.
finally it looks like it works like a charm, the only thing that i dom't understand how can i make my plugin downloadable through the plugin finder

in addition: is it possible to switch the cards in your hand with the same number of cards placed on the bottom of a card pile through the transfercards card function?
General Discussion Forum / hide images
November 25, 2010, 04:45:39 AM
is it possible to hide images in the deck editor section?