Quote from: CrazyChucky on April 13, 2019, 02:12:51 PM
Will the game be available in English? I don't know if any current plugin makers here read Japanese. That makes things difficult.
You could also try making a plugin yourself. The site has tutorials.
The game a "DCG" meaning it is digital and you can find it for IOS/Android and is currently under preparation for an english Release I believe in May 1 we'll have some actual news regard it. You can still find ways to play it as a stand alone JP app and there are couple communities around it even an English one. However, the game doesn't have that many space for Simulation people translated the cards and mechanics regard the game in the ENG communties but so far only one person made an actual plugin but its for Table Top Simulator and not for lackey, untap, octgn, etc.