
LackeyCCG Forum => Plugins & Plugin Creation Forum => Topic started by: Jynks on June 18, 2014, 11:12:37 PM

Title: (Bug?) Diffrent Backs in Deck Zones.. AND in viewer?
Post by: Jynks on June 18, 2014, 11:12:37 PM
I think this could even be a bug.. but I am not sure so posting it here.

Basically if you have cards that have different backs there doesn't seam to be a way to have the different card backs in the DeckZone and still be able to see the different card backs in the viewer.

Basically I am trying to make a new plugin and add improvements to my Lord of the Rings Plugin. The new game and LoTR use double sided cards, as well as alternative decks which use different backs.  The double sided cards need to be able to have both sides viewable in the viewer, and the new game also needs all the cards different backs to be viewable in the deck zone.

I never noticed this before with my LoTR plugin as I just always had the command running and the deck zones used the default backs. Though it dose look a lot cooler to have the deck zones showing the correct backs, not having the double sided cards able to display in the viewer is terrible!

This is a command that seams to be the problem.


if you DO NOT place this in the plugininfo.txt the correct card backs will show up in the deck zones, BUT if you use ctrl+click to flip a card to its back, then in the viewer you can only see the default image for the card back, which is useless for double sided cards.

If I add that line, then you can flip the cards on the table and see both sides in the viewer but in the deck zone you can not see correct backs, as only the default backs show.....

Is there a way to have the correct backs to show in the deck zones, and the correct backs to show in the viewer at the same time?

Title: Re: (Bug?) Diffrent Backs in Deck Zones.. AND in viewer?
Post by: Trevor on June 28, 2014, 10:57:21 AM
I'm going to have to investigate this a little more. I think I figured out how to resolve this, but I forget what plugin makers are supposed to do to get things working the way they want.

The issue is basically caused how some games use alternate card backs in completely different ways.

Some games have them as alternate card backs, which are public knowledge, like Munchkin has treasure cards and door cards.
Some games have alternate card backs that are unknown to all players, such as the flip cards in Magic (like Delver of Secrets). Those cards, even while in a deck with their "back" visible, are still meant to be hidden.
Some games have alternate unique card backs, like lotr, as you mentioned, that are supposed to be known to all players.

And some games even mix multiple styles of the above.

I'm not exactly sure the best way to let plugin makers handle this stuff. I'm open to suggestions.
Title: Re: (Bug?) Diffrent Backs in Deck Zones.. AND in viewer?
Post by: Jynks on June 28, 2014, 07:19:46 PM
Hmm... and the real problem would be in games that have more than 1 of these options...

Do the cards have any knowledge of what deck zone they came from? Maybe a command in the deck zone to set this visibility?

Otherwise, I would say the best way would be a value in the carddata file itself. Sure you would have to add the line to every card, but I think it would work?