
LackeyCCG Forum => General Discussion Forum => Topic started by: rhizka on June 23, 2012, 08:48:17 PM

Title: Organizing Decks with Folders?
Post by: rhizka on June 23, 2012, 08:48:17 PM

Can I organize the deck list into folders so that when I go to Deck Editor, and hit the Browse button I can see a list of folders, for instance --> Aggro Decks, Control Decks, Tribal Decks, and then from the browse screen open that folder to see the specific .dek files? If there is any way to do this currently (even if it's more of a work around than an actual built in feature) I would love to know.

This would also be a cool feature to see in the future if this doesn't already exist.

and on a side note, when you hit browse and that window opens there's a button that says "Open Directory" -- What does this button do and how does it work?
Title: Re: Organizing Decks with Folders?
Post by: Trevor on June 24, 2012, 07:22:39 AM
I considered allowing folders, but after some testing it was more annoying to have to navigate the different folders and the many other unexpected things that result from that.

You may want to name your decks in a way that makes them more ordered. Also, you should be able to browse them pretty easily with the deck browser.