Anyone have a working Wyvern ccg plugin?

Started by Irish1983, September 17, 2014, 07:24:50 PM

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Does anyone have a plugin for this game?  I have most of the sets complete if that helps? Also I found a site with pictures of almost all the cards laid out face up in card binder sleeves.  I really like Wyvern and I have a good amount of the cards but I want to be able to play with all of them and not worry about beating up my collectibles.


The pictures I found are 1700x2338 but only 200 dpi. I also figured out that I have one of the two missing cards in the chameleon set he pictures (I have card 55).


I realize it's not too terribly long ago that this was created. I've been looking into trying to find all the images for all of the cards for this set of cards. I've got a TON of them, but am still missing some. I was hoping to get my hands on some good quality images / scans of all the cards so I could "complete" my set seeing as I've not been able to acquire them through repeated purchases of boxed starter decks and booster packs (the ones that I'm finding that are left to purchase at places have grown in price crazily, and I've no money currently).

If I were to look into how to create the plugin for this engine I would gladly take up the challenge. (and I hope this isn't going too silly to post about here on this forum), There's a "game" that's in beta on the Steam store called Table Top Simulator. It's got the capability to create things too as desired, unfortunately I don't have it either (again, no money :( ) ... So, I'd probably go with making the plugin for this as it were seeing as it's free :). But I'm hoping to win a copy of the TTS as well to make it there too. I'd love to be able to play with some of my old friends from school that have moved out of state and I'm nowhere near anymore (but I know they have cards of their own).

((if you could link the place where you found the images you mentioned, I could look through my checklist and see if I've got any he's missing.... I don't think I ever managed to get my hands on any chameleon or phoenix expansions yet though :( ))


He has ever card pictured (but 2) but its not the greatest quality:

I don't even like chameleon honestly. Kingdom edition and phoenix is where its at.  When you click on the image to view them near the top it says ORIGINAL SIZE. Click that to get the huge images.  I actually have a complete set of all the cards im fairly certain (except for chameleon which I don't like after buying a few booster packs).

I plan on trying to make a plugin aswell but that's gonna have to wait a few months.

NOTE: Its actually rather difficult to collect a complete set of kingdom because some of the cards can only be found in starters, and if you can find a kingdom starter that rare.


Righto, MUCH appreciation.

JUST found out actually that I won a copy of the Tabletop Simulator from the devs. So, this'll be fun to mess with on my weekend streams. As for learning the plugin stuff for LackeyCCG, I'll look into it also as well obviously. So I'll keep this post updated with my progress.

Looking at the quality of the images there on that page, they're actually pretty good especially for any online CCG stuff from what I can tell. Haven't gotten very far in Lackey yet to see what quality the cards are in it comparatively though. I'll obviously have to save each of those big images, crop them down and align the cards (as some look a little twisted in the sleeves). This will take a load of time as it is though, and when I get them fully cropped and lined up, I'll save them with good names and everything and zip 'em up and provide a link to 'em here in case someone else can get the plugin done faster than myself.  ((before I start going through and editing, he doesn't have a separator card like he's got between the one expansion and phoenix, are those cards between the phoenix expansion and the base the Chameleon expansion? I want to be able to label them properly))


look at the symbol under the picture on the right. that will denote set.


Unfortunate necro.

Has anyone got anything wyvern related? Hoping you all have sub'd and get updates to the thread.

MSG me if you have anything. I cant even find a basic plugin.