Chimera (previously known as Macro) Plugin

Started by 3XXXDDD, May 13, 2013, 12:03:16 PM

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Chimera Plugin

Playtesters welcome and very much appreciated.

Art (or lackthere of) is not Representative of the final product.


My apologies for necro posting (if this even counts.)
I'm not sure if this has already been addressed but as it is, the plugin in unusable.

These are the issues I have:

  • The deck editor only shows me the avatar cards.
  • The card resolution is far too large.
  • The images don't render correctly (this is an aesthetics issue and not a priority.)

Does the plugin work fine for you or anyone else? I could probably fix it so that I could see all the cards and edit the images to a more workable size but this would take a lot of time and effort. Before I try anything of the sort I want to make sure that this project is still active and that I haven't missed a more recent version of the plugin.

I've read through your rules post and I would love to playtest what you have. It would be great to get back into the spirit of designing games again and I would hate to see your efforts go to waste.

I have screencaps but they're too large to post.
