Facedown visibility cards - how to disable

Started by xikitins, December 19, 2015, 06:20:15 PM

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I have a problem with the facedown visibitility cards.

I have made my own plugin starting from a existing plugin for Magic, but now I want to eliminate the option os visibility on cards when they are on table. Let me explain.
I have a card facedown on table, when I put mouse over it, I can see what card it is. But, my problem is that I don't want to see it.
I erased "   <kind>ISYOURFACEDOWNVISIBLE</kind>". But I can see the facedown cards anyway.

How could I fix that?



I can help you fix this. :)

You don't want to erase "<kind>ISYOURFACEDOWNVISIBLE</kind>", but instead you change it to read this:


Hope it helps.


Thanks, but it does not work...  :(

Any other ideas?


Got it!

It works this way: <kind>ISYOURFACEDOWNVISIBLE</kind><value>no</value>

Thanks for your help. It allows me to find the right way.


Cool, glad I could point you in the right direction. :)


I know it's a bit late, but I wanted to thank you guys, my plugin is now perfect!  :)