
LackeyCCG Forum => CCG Design Forum => Topic started by: yudencow on June 07, 2012, 06:03:33 PM

Title: A new standalone card game
Post by: yudencow on June 07, 2012, 06:03:33 PM
I am just throwing ideas. I would like it if someone would help m,e get it all together.

You pick a hero and 3 tactics to help you in battle before the game. Players may have the same tactics but not the same heroes. The hero's faction decide your capitol.

Each player starts with 5 gold cards as its hand and none in his/her deck. You can use gold to buy any card out of these categories:

Action cards - cards that will help you to get more actions/gold and will hinder the opponents.
Unit cards - permanents representing specialists, infantry units, armored units and ships.
Outposts cards - places to recieve money from.

There are cards revealed of each category same as the number of players plus 1. From them you can buy cards. You can also buy additional gold.

Every outpost has a value representing how far is it from the capitol. It ranges between 1 to 3. Every unit card has a range value, meaning how far can it attack. an outpost need to be in range to be attacked.

In the beginning of your turn, you recieve 1 victory point for every outpost you control. First player to 40 victory points wins the game.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: A new standalone card game
Post by: yudencow on June 07, 2012, 06:32:00 PM
You can destroy outposts. Destroyed outposts are out of the game. Come effects will allow you to rebuild them.
Title: Re: A new standalone card game
Post by: DNGR on June 08, 2012, 12:30:14 PM
How would you know the amount paid is the right amount
(I could play 2GP for a 7GP card)

Where are these cards you have to "Buy"?
(is it like a file system like "Alteil?")
Title: Re: A new standalone card game
Post by: yudencow on June 08, 2012, 01:58:55 PM
You remove the gold cards to the graveyards of equal amount of the card's you want to buy.

The cards you can currently buy are in the middle of the table revealed to everybody.
Title: Re: A new standalone card game
Post by: yudencow on June 09, 2012, 10:30:09 AM
Version 2

Players draft on their turn 4 Space Stations out of 16.

You goal is to destory everybody's space stations before the destroy yours.

You start with no cards in your deck but 5 Gold cards in your hand.

You can use the Gold to buy Ships and Maneuvers, permanents and nonpermenants respectively.

You can also buy more Gold cards using the Gold.

Overtime you get a stream of incoming gold until a certain amount.

What do you reckon?